Good education: the power of a smile

Although they seem synonymous, the concepts of laughter, smile and happiness refer to very different ideas. Laughter is achieved, the smile is educated and happiness is achieved. All of them are very positive emotions that we must cultivate and know how to transmit to our children to raise their mood and to transmit good feelings to others.

Laughter is achieved and is necessary for health

Recent studies on the ability of laughter to fight all kinds of diseases indicate that while we laugh we release a lot of endorphins, largely responsible for the feeling of well-being. In the last 30 years, much progress has been made in the application of laughter as therapy.

In the 70s, a Californian doctor applied joy and good humor as support in the recovery and treatment of diseases, obtaining beneficial results. Some of the most interesting and intriguing findings find that, laughter stimulates the immune system and reduces the levels of a stress hormone, cortisol, in the blood. All this leads us to affirm the importance of making our children laugh, not only to make people happy, but also healthier.

The smile is educated

Just as we teach our children to be ordained or generous, we must educate them on the importance of smiling. It is clear that some people will cost more than others, but we should not let our children have a serious face, because "they are that way". If your child is lazy, you will try to make an effort to be more diligent, therefore, if you are serious you will have to encourage him to smile more.

In this sense, we should not forget that smiling is also part of education in good manners: they should get used to smiling at the building's concierge, the postman, opening a door and giving way. They should leave their toys with a smile, not with a bad face; Give thanks or ask for things please with a smile on your lips. There are thousands of everyday situations in which we must teach children to perform them smiling.

Happiness is a constant attitude

It does not depend on the state of mind. It is learning to be happy with the circumstances that touch us. From kids we can make them see that they should be happy with a toy, even if they wanted to have two as their neighbor; to enjoy your sandwich of chorizo ​​in the snack, even if you do not buy the bun he wants.

Happiness is something internal, independent of whether the child's face can be more serious or more cheerful. A child who smiles a little is not the same as an unhappy child, it only tells us that he should try harder in his life to show his smile.

Tips to set an example and educate in the smile

- Smile, even if it costs you a little. In the face of difficulties, do you usually smile, or are you one of those who soon twists the gesture? You should not pretend that everything is perfect, but you should smile, although sometimes it costs a little.

- Encourage your children to smile. Observe yourself and check if you frequently say to your child phrases like: smile that you are more handsome, or smile that makes me happier, smile even if it hurts a little.

- The smile is a kind gesture. It is not the same to smile, to laugh at others. Children are very likely to laugh in the most embarrassing situations. They must learn to dominate themselves and to know how to be in each moment, but always, with a kind gesture.

- Put on a nice face. When taking a walk, encourage your children to look at the elderly. You will see that there are some with a kind gesture and others with a face of grumbling. You can explain to them that possibly people with a friendly face are used to smiling from a young age. Ask them which of the two they want to look like in a few years.

- Say goodbye with a smile. In the mornings, you want your children to have a good day with a smile, and to receive them in the afternoon with another. Your children will internalize that being with them makes you feel good and they will perceive it thanks to the smile they will see drawn on your face.

Marisol Nuevo Espín

Video: The hidden power of smiling | Ron Gutman

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