Educational innovation: 10 keys to transform the future

The world is changing in an accelerated way and the nature of innovation must affect education because only through the new generations can we transform the world. But what does the implementation of a true educational innovation?

It means a significant change in the learning process, but not only in the methods, content and learning materials, but also in the quality of teaching, in the value of the learning process itself and especially in the relevance that innovation will bring to the education system .

10 keys to transform the educational future

Taking as axis these new objectives, these have been the 10 keys or conclusions that have been extracted from the II Congress of Educational Innovation which has been held in the Zaragoza Conference Center.

1. The transformation of the current world begins at school. So much so that innovation in the classroom has become the measure of the innovation of a country and a society.

2. The school should be a place full of adventures where teachers propose challenges to get, when mothers and fathers ask their children what they have done in school, they do not answer: "Nothing." In that school they fit and should be all: teachers, families and students.

3. Innovation must be shared with the educational community and create innovative ecosystems. With the sum multiply results.

4. Space can become the third teacher. Architecture and design are a tool to influence education and can encourage students to stop being passive in their learning and become active. Space must generate motivation, not subordination.

5. The best innovation is that which serves those who need it most. You have to look for the success of each one of the students and personalize the learning.

6. We must educate in amazement because amazement is the engine of learning, is what allows students to know what is around them. To achieve this, it is important that children are not overstimulated, because this saturates their senses and blocks the desire for knowledge.

7. You have to train students to ask questions, not only to give answers.

8. Innovation does not always mean being the first. You have to look at the good initiatives and extend them.

9. In the classroom there should always be motivation and a positive atmosphere. The students must feel that we believe in him, that his school space makes him feel happy.

10. The most important thing in a classroom is the people. We must intensify human relations and generate strong connections between teachers and students.

Educational innovation: something unthinkable 5 years ago

The psychologist and researcher Alfredo Hernando has defended that "the classroom is the space where the transformation of the world begins", in his presentation before the II International Congress of Educational Innovation, organized by the Department of Education of the Government of Aragon in the Zaragoza Conference Center.

"Innovation in the classroom is the measure of the innovation of a country and a society, the classroom is the machine we have to grow as people and as humanity." Educational innovation was almost unthinkable just five years ago. to achieve the personalization of learning, so that each student has a vital project, since students are the measure of innovation Do not confuse innovation with being the first to do something: innovation is to grow in results: copy what works in other places, try, adapt, combine, transform ", has recommended the expert to teams of teachers who want to innovate in the classroom.

Alfredo Hernando directs the project, a trip that has led him to know and experience first hand the most innovative schools around the world. Hernando is an explorer of the methodology of designthinking, gamification, learning landscapes, technological integration in the classroom and management of innovation and change processes in schools. "In 2013 I started this project that is a laboratory of educational innovation, and what I do is to travel looking for innovative schools that are working very well, that guarantee the success of all their students with a positive message of how they are doing better for they, how they do it, how we can learn from them, communicate it and seek replication between schools and with teams of teachers, "he says.

He is involved in various international educational innovation projects with entities such as Fundación Telefónica, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain or the participatory housing construction project in Vienna, with a strong social component focused on the integration of refugees, the social media communication and organic farming.

How to work educational innovation?

"The first thing is to make the process of innovation natural and not to confuse it with a magical or pioneering act, but rather it is an act of growth." Innovation is simply a process of change, which seeks to do something in a different, more or less creative, way. with evidence that it works, and that most of the weight of that transformation is carried by a team of teachers with the families of a community and a school and that is what most successful schools share, that is, what What we seek with innovation is not working in class with more or less devices, more or less languages, or more or less slates ... "adds Alfredo Hernando- what we are looking for that all students develop a complete life project and from there we can combine many elements that will guarantee success then it is like a team of teachers that changes, measures, readjusts, changes again and starts a process that is a continuous spiral of growth for make a different school every year, looking for improvement. "

How to walk towards school success

Alfredo Hernando explains that "failure or school success, that is, what explains the development of a life project beyond the grade with the students depends on three major elements: the socio-economic and cultural factors of the country where the student is located. , family and school, however much we look for new experiences we can not import the whole educational system of Finland or South Korea, what we can import are successful experiences, therefore, what we know works to make students in Need environments to succeed is to work hand in hand with families and educators, it is the only thing that can break the gap, the other needs more agents so that the miracle can work, but it is possible ".

Marisol Nuevo Espín

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