Spend time outdoors to prevent myopia

The state of health of the smallest is a concern of every parent. The prevention of any problem is a mission of the parents, for it they take care in different aspects, from taking care of the feeding of their children until avoiding the exposure to agents that can make them get sick.

Spending time outdoors is an excellent decision when it comes to keeping away problems such as overweight or joint pain. If these were not enough reasons, the Zhongshan ophthalmic center in Guangzhou offers one more: keep the myopia. A recommendation made from an essay published in the journal JAMA.

Forty minutes outside

A total of 1,903 students of 12 schools with uncorrected visual acuity values ​​in their students were the study sample. Students from some of these centers participate in a mandatory forty-minute outdoor class at the end of each school day. At the same time, parents were advised to also increase outdoor activity outside academic hours.

Of the 1,903 children enrolled, 1,579 underwent an evaluation of results after three years. At the beginning of the investigation, at least 2% of the children in each group had myopia. At the conclusion of this work, the prevalence of myopia was lower in the group that had participated in outdoor activities.

In particular, the 30,4% of children who had done outdoor activities had these problems compared to 39.5% of the other group, the authors report. Although the reduction is less than 50%, a percentage that had been theorized by the researchers, this is an important result. "Young children who develop myopia early are more likely to progress to high myopia (6 or more diopters), which increases the risk of pathological myopia," the authors explain.

Treatment of myopia

Although the results of this research open a new path in the prevention of myopia, today there is no efficient formula to keep this problem away. The best in cases where this situation is detected is to start a good treatment like the one offered by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

The most common treatment is the use of glasses or contact lenses for the correction of the symptoms of myopia. East mechanism It helps to reorient the rays of light on the retina, compensating the shape of your eye. They can also help protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. A lens coating that repels ultraviolet rays is available.

In many cases, people can choose to correct myopia with a surgical intervention. These surgeries are used to correct or improve your vision by reshaping the cornea, or the front surface of the eye, effectively adjusting the focus ability of the eye.

Damián Montero

Video: Outdoor Activity Prevents Myopia AND Longer School Lunches Lead to Healthier Eating

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