Addiction to video games falls under the WHO International Classification of Diseases

The video game They have become a regular member in the lives of the smallest of the house. Like everything, this form of digital leisure has ended up becoming a problem since some children and young people have ended up developing a dependence on these products. A situation that led to the World Health Organization, WHO, decided to include this addiction in its International Classification of Diseases.

Now, addiction to video game It is already part of the WHO International Classification of Diseases. An inclusion that occurs in the review of this compendium and which includes new features such as the addition of traditional medicine, which although used by millions of people had never had a presence in this publication.

Addiction disorders

The inclusion of videogame dependency is done within the addiction disorders section of the International Classification of Diseases. As it was said at the time, the WHO considers that this problem appears when a child has the need to make a recurrent and regular use of these products without finding another way to have fun.

The intention of this inclusion is to make professionals from all over the world recognize the possible consequences of video game abuse and establish a action protocol. A tool with which in the first place to be able to differentiate between the normal use and the dependence of the same and secondly to know how to proceed before these problems that did not exist a few decades ago did not exist.

This revision of the International Classification of Diseases will be presented at the World Health Assembly in May 2019 for adoption by the Member States, and the January 1, 2022. In this way the different countries of the globe will be able to establish strategies to be able to fight against these health problems that have appeared along with the new technologies.

Symptoms of addiction

WHO also offers a series of symptoms that make up a behavior pattern in the dependents of video games. These actions must be repeated over time, at least for 12 months, and be quite evident and persistent.

- Lack of control over the video game. The person is not able to manage the time spent on video games or impose limits, so he fails in other responsibilities.

- Priority over video games. Touch activity always comes second when it comes to video games. Housework, homework, sports, staying with friends, are just some examples of what is relegated in favor of this form of entertainment.

- Disregard of warnings. The child knows the consequences and still continues to use video games in this way.

Damián Montero

Video: Inside America's First Video Game Addiction Rehab (HBO)

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