Safety in summer, this transforms the car into a death trap after an hour

Summer is coming, high temperatures will come and extreme precautions will have to be taken to avoid the problems arising from the hot. What could once be safe, in the summer period can be transformed into a death trap, such as the back seat of a car.

This is indicated by a team study by Nancy Selover and Jennifer Vanos for the magazine Temperature where they have deepened the mechanism by which a car becomes a very dangerous element for children. A method with which to be proactive and be able to take security measures in order to avoid these accidents in the smallest.

One hour to become dangerous

In this investigation three types of vehicles were taken into account to check how the interior heated up to become a dangerous environment for the little ones. All the results indicated that a single hour was sufficient for indoor air to make this environment fatal for children, even if the vehicle was parked in the shadow.

In those cars parked in the sun during the study, after one hour the temperature in the interior exceeded 46 degrees Celsius. The dashboard was set to 70 degrees centigrade, while the steering wheel and seats reached around 50 degrees Celsius in all this time.

Those vehicles parked in the shade had temperatures in their interior closer to 37 degrees Celsius. A warning that warns in circumstances such as go shopping, occasions when a car is parked for a long time. In the first place, it is essential to never leave the children inside while performing these chores.

Secondly, it is advised to start the car and turn on the air conditioner to refresh the atmosphere or open the environment to move the air. Although again, both Selover and Vanos insist on the fact that the most important thing is to avoid forgetting the children in the car, something that can happen in such routine tasks as going shopping.

Security in summer

Given the proximity of summer it is necessary to remember some of the safety rules that are needed in summer to ensure the integrity of the smallest. These are some that are offered from the Red Cross:

- Bathing in areas enabled for it. In the pools you have to look at the depths and avoid that the little ones bathe in areas that are not designed for them. On the beaches you have to respect the flags and other warnings.

- Use an adequate sun protection. It is important to apply the correct protection factor for our skin type.

- Follow hygiene regulations. In locations such as swimming pools, it is recommended to respect hygiene measures to avoid the spread of fungi and other problems. On the beach it is better to keep the garbage and throw it away to prevent others from tripping or even cutting with the remains.

- Hydration. Maintaining good hydration in the little ones will avoid many problems.

Damián Montero

Video: Stuck for hours in rock-solid tar, puppies rescued. Watch til the end.

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