From adolescence to maturity, the most obvious changes

It is understood the adolescence as a homogeneous process. But at least there are three stages that are distinguished within this step from childhood to adulthood. A development that ranges from the motor apparatus, through the physical and mental plane. Which are the most common? Which ones can lead to greater conflict within the home?

From the Spanish Association of Pediatrics and Primary Care, AEPap point out some of the most obvious changes during the adolescence. Swaps that are evident in some cases and that are divided into different stages while leaving behind childhood until reaching emotional and physical maturity.

Cognitive and emotional development in adolescence

As it has been said, from AEPap three stages are indicated within the adolescence that they divide themselves in:

- Puberty (between 12 and 14 years old)

- Average adolescence (between 15 and 16 years old)

- Late adolescence or youth (between 17 and 21 years old)

Among the changes that they experience At this stage, the youngest, at a cognitive level, include the following:

From 15 to 17 years old:

- Greater understanding of abstract ideas. Although in times of stress, your thinking becomes concrete again.

- They are capable of reflecting. Easier to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

- They begin to question everything, they develop their critical aspect. Increase in rebellion.

- Search for references that resemble them. The father ceases to be a mirror in which to look and this role is occupied by famous or very popular companions.

- Little in the future, they live in the present and act in the short term.

From the 17-18 years:

- Greater capacity for analysis and reflection. They begin to recognize bad friendships and what is convenient for their development.

- Greater self-management, they are able to establish routines of study, work, rest, hobbies. They are able to set goals and fulfill them, they think more about their future.

- They give more importance to their family side. Traditions take on importance and leave egocentrism aside.

Regarding the most obvious changes at an emotional level:

From 15 to 17 years old:

- They think about themselves. They become aware of their personal image, feel more insecure and seek to see themselves.

- They feel that their parents do not understand them, they see them as a generation unable to empathize their situation and seek support from their friends.

- The emotional changes together with the lack of emotional control causes mood changes.

- They seek a greater intimacy than in the past, which produces conflicts, for example, when their parents enter their room or other spaces of their own.

From 17-18 years old:

- Their emotional maturity allows them to maintain more satisfying personal relationships.

- Increase their independence and do not seek support from the rest. Friendships are still important, but they no longer feel the need to fit into the group at any price.

Changes at the physical level in adolescence

Although the changes that may arise may arise at the emotional and cognitive level, physical evolution is also evident. Some changes can raise doubts in children, knowing which are the most common will help parents to explain that it is a normal process on the way to become adults.

The body is reaching the physical maturity. They grow both in size and weight, their image changes a lot and little by little they look like an adult. It is recommended that at this stage a sport be practiced since it is at this stage to favor the correct development of the motor apparatus. In addition, these activities also favor their emotional evolution since they will understand values ​​such as cooperation and the meaning of the effort to achieve the proposed goals.

Other changes are also evident to auditory and visual level. Hyperopia, physiological in childhood usually disappears as the child grows. Most of the myopia appear between 6 and 14 years more or less abruptly. They can increase intermittently up to 20 years. At this age, it usually stabilizes.

- The visual acuity, maximum at 6-8 years, is consolidated at 10-12 years.

- Alterations in the vision of colors are of interest for professional guidance. They have no treatment.

- It is quite rare for a teenager to lose his sight. It is usually due to a strong blow to the eyes or the head, with a ball or in a car or motorcycle accident.

Damián Montero

Video: These Are The Signs That You Are Going Through Puberty

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