5 keys to successfully remove the baby's diaper

The diaper operation It can be quick and simple, but at other times it will be a difficult and slow process, not only for children, but for adults as well. The parents will have to be aware that their little ones do not wet their underwear, but they will also have to adapt to this great change and trying to accelerate it will only cause a negative backward movement in the little one. It takes time and patience from parents and a reasonable amount of cooperation and motivation from your child.

With the good weather the diaper operation begins

The diaper operation is another step in the growth of a child, a very important event that must be supported and motivated by the parents and will take special importance that this transit is done naturally, without obligations and without haste.

With the arrival of good weather there are many families that begin to carry out this process and many small ones who feel eager and able to face it.

Although there is no age limit in which a child must stop using the diaper, that moment usually happens between 15 and 36 months, during the night, and on average at 28 months, during the day, when the child is physiologically prepared for it, that is, when he knows how to perfectly control his sphincters and takes a more "key" step in his growth. This double maturation varies according to the child.

However, there are times when this change may take longer than normal. "Each child will require the time they need, it is important not to press it and above all, not compare it with any other. This will only bring frustration on both sides, becoming a problem that should be simple and natural, "explains Nuria.

Patience: key to the process of removing the baby's diaper

It will be on these occasions, when it is necessary to learn to use techniques that can help parents lose their fear that their child may take more or less time to leave the diaper on its side.

"Whatever you do, your child will end up learning the things you teach him, and if you feel nervous or frustrated, you will unconsciously reflect it on the child, which will cause the process to slow down and may even end up giving a step back "clarifies our expert.

You have to make sure that the little ones are prepared for this great change that they will experience. Motivating them to be produced will be vital, as well as trying to gradually become aware of their importance.

An aid will help you understand the child who is getting older and all the advantages of not using a diaper.

How can we remove the diaper without tensions or sleeplessness?

These are the 5 councils of Nuria García Alonso, a child and youth psychologist and director of Ayudarte Estudio de Psicología, who reflects on how to make "diaper operation" a success.

1. Patience and respect. It is impossible to determine with total certainty when your child will say goodbye diapers ... goodbye definitely. In general, it is estimated that 2-3 years will be the age at which children begin to stop using it, but that does not mean that in some cases it can be delayed, each family is a world and according to the capacities and the situation of the small one, it will depend the before or the after that this change takes place.

It is imperative to arm yourself with patience and try to respect your deadlines, as well as not anticipating the change before he can be prepared. There will be a series of requirements that will indicate if the time has come for this great step:

That the child already begins to have the capacity to verbalize your need for this change, realize that your friends and colleagues no longer use it, start to disturb your diaper or even spend several hours with the diaper dry will be a small signs that indicate to the parents that the child begins to be prepared to leave the diaper side. If your child is very autonomous, the change will be much easier to carry.

2. No hurry. However, the opposite is also the case, that is, that the child is not yet able to pull down his trousers by himself, that his motor skills are underdeveloped or that he is afraid to do so. There we will realize that the change will be a little more complicated and we will have to teach them little by little, guide them on how to do it, without haste, with patience and affection.

It is important not to pressure the child that he has to control himself and stop using the diaper, since that way he will only get overwhelmed and frustrated and thus, the process of change will cost more than we can imagine. Each child has their rhythm, denying it will only bring negative consequences for both parties.

3. The routine, fundamental. If it happens that there is suddenly a major change in the home, in the life of the family, this process can be slowed down or even cause a step back in it. You have to try to create a emotional stability, even that the parents are prepared to carry it out. It will be important to do it with time and patience, treating it from the beginning with total normality and with zero worries, avoiding that the child can be influenced by any circumstance external to him.

4. Use games. If the child has a physical problem, such as being constipated, the process may be slower than normal. The child will not want to poop because he will feel that it hurts to do so, but what he does not understand is that avoiding it will cause him more pain. It is important to make him understand and understand.

An interesting option will be to use games or even stories so that it is easier for the child to lose his fear. With this we will achieve in a pleasant and interactive way you can understand the idea that the more you go to the bathroom and the less you hold on, the pain will subside and it will be better for him.

5. It is a collective and motivational process. It will be the parents who transmit security and desire to carry out a step forward in the growth of the child. Motivation is the key. If they feel nervous, insecure or even stressed because something does not go as expected, this will directly affect the child's motivation.

Do not stop asking if the child wants to go to the bathroom will only be counterproductive, because it will only get you to feel uncomfortable, overwhelming and creating a problem where there is none. The important thing will be to try to normalize this situation, to carry it out naturally.
It will be important not to scold him if he pees on, on the contrary tell him that nothing happens, that little by little he will learn. As well congratulate him when he goes alone to the bathroom for the first time. The motivation will be essential when carrying out this change.

"The important thing in any learning is that your child feels loved, that he knows that you are there to help him and is able to ask for help if he needs it," explains Nuria.
The way in which parents take it will greatly influence the degree of success or failure of this operation. If they feel that it is becoming a problem or may even exceed them, it will be advisable to ask an expert for help, who will guide them to be able to cope with this situation in the best possible way.

Nuria García Alonso. Infantojuvenil psychologist and director of Ayudarte Psychology Study.

Video: How to Change a Baby's Diaper | CloudMom

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