How to teach the taste for order: what is order and what is not?

The problems to instill in children the habit of order can seem insurmountable to more than one mother: pieces of toys that appear in the pots, pieces of buildings in the corners, incomplete puzzles, the shoe that does not appear ... solution, however, is not always so complicated: just make the habit of order, a game.

What is order and what is not? It is not order ...

- Pick up the room only at 21.15 at night, When the chaos has reached such an extreme that neither we, much less the child, are able to face it.

- Remove all things from the view, but not to place them in the place that corresponds to each one, but to distribute them to tun-tun by drawers and baskets, creating a disorder that - although it is not seen - is even greater.

- Put the unsharpened pencils in their place, Put dirty clothes in the closet or store broken toys in the box. When picking up, you have to check things, to remove what needs to be cleaned, fixed or thrown away.

- Save the parts of the mechano when there is still a brother who has not finished his construction. Everything has its moment, and also order. We can not turn it into an obsession.

Do you want ordered children? Tips to teach the taste for order

To enjoy the order of things around us, we must live and feel it. There is a big difference between getting to study at a table full of books and scrambled papers, sitting at a clean table to concentrate only on the book in front of us. The same goes for the bedroom, the bathroom, etc. Trying to keep everything tidy is a task that requires little time if we put a little and order every day. Ideas to teach the taste for dorden children, avoid chaos and clutter at home.

1. To make it easier to order, We can decorate the child's room with colorful trunks, baskets, lined boxes and shelves. Each one will be destined to a type of game.

2. Each box with its sticker. It will be more fun and easier to identify if each one has a sticker with a drawing, depending on where the dolls, the head-bones or the cars are.

3. Order is a "colophon" game for all games. After assembling the puzzle, you have to dismantle it, count the pieces to verify that they are all, put them in the bag and this in the box. Not doing so is leaving the game half-hearted.

4. The order also applies to people, their clothing and grooming: the shirts must have all their buttons, the laces of the shoes have to be tied, and you can not sit down to eat without having washed your hands.

5. Start by ordering simple things. Begin by demanding simple and very concrete acts, such as carrying the dirty shirt to the basket. Soon you will be able to save all the pieces of the snack before removing the cars.

6. Order is a virtue accessible to all ... then the shelves to place the stuffed animals must also be. Especially for our son's short arms.

7. Patience. This game is too fun to learn to play it overnight. Do not get discouraged if at first he picks up a doll and you 50, because little by little the proportion will change.

8. Points to order more and better. In a cork that you hang in the corridor, you can click on a card with the name of each child. Each time one of them performs an act of order on his own initiative, you will note two positive points. When you have to remind him, because he has forgotten, and obey, you will only sign one. If you still do not order, you will lose a point. Every ten positives, the child can choose a dessert, the Saturday video film, or decide if you invite the cousins ​​to play.

María Moll
Advice: Manoli Manso Bachelor of Education by the University of Wales. Teacher of children between 4 and 7 years old.

Video: Ordering Coffee at Starbucks | English Class

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