Tips before visiting the newborn of a family member or friend

Becoming a father is a joy to share with the rest. When a baby born, family and friends want to participate in this new stage of the family and meet the newcomer. But you have to take into account the peculiarities of these children and when it comes to visiting them, take into account the specific needs that make you take extreme care with them.

If you are thinking about knowing the newborn of an acquaintance or a relative, these are the rules that you must take into account so as not to bother the parents and not alter the process of recovery of the mother or cause discomfort in the baby. A way to share the joy of this new member and not to bother.

Tips before the visit

Has a relative recently had a child? If you intend to go to visit him, this is what you should keep in mind before introducing yourself to the house:

- Call to ask about this possibility. You will not be the only one who wants to visit this person and rather than convert the house of your relative and acquaintance in a place full of people and stress the baby and parents, it is always better to ask about this possibility.

- Prepare some detail. During the call you can ask the parents if they need something for their new child, from a funny clothes to a pack of diapers, it never hurts to prepare a detail to help in this new stage.

- Do not use perfumes too strong that can irritate the baby through the smell.

- Of course, if you are a smoker, remember that tobacco is prohibited and during the visit to new parents it is preferable not even to go out to smoke to avoid that the smell could bother the baby.

Tips during the visit

Once these preparations are made before the visit to the new parents, these are other tips to make the visit more enjoyable:

- Warn before going. Unforeseen events can make parents prefer to postpone the visit to another day, it is always best to notify before leaving in case one of these events has happened.

- If the child gets nervous and begins to cry in your arms, return it to the parents so they can calm him down. They are the ones who know their behavior better and will know if they need to eat, a change or are just nerves.

- Never take pictures without parental permission and of course, do not share on social networks. These images should be in the inner circle.

- Avoid comparisons. The upbringing of each child is a world and this is chosen by the parents. Do not compare this system with the one chosen at home, much less if no advice has been requested.

Damián Montero


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