4 tips to enjoy the well-being of the first stage in marriage

A healthy and satisfying marriage is, without any doubt, one of the most pleasurable emotional situations that a person can feel. Hence the importance of knowing and putting into practice tools that allow enjoy the well-being of the first stage of marriage Permanently.

A healthy and happy relationship must necessarily start from the desire of two people to work towards a common goal, to be happy together. When one of the members of the couple no longer feels enough motivation or desire to strive for that goal and begins to neglect the needs of the other person, it is time to accept the reality and begin to assess the possibility of beginning a new stage in life. life. However, if part of the mutual desire to continue together there are many ways to be able to enjoy the welfare of the first stage and even get to consolidate the relationship after a period of crisis.

4 routines to enjoy marriage as in the first stage

1. Watch your way of expressing yourself. You must express yourself with your partner in an assertive manner. When there is a discussion do not raise the emotional burden. Instead of worrying about being right, try to speak with a relaxed and assertive tone, making your position clear, but without raising your tone of voice or using a nonverbal language that may denote a degree of anger.

2. Break the routine. The routine is one of the biggest enemies in sentimental relationships. You must find a way to do things together or as a family to get out of the usual dinners or walks. Do not limit yourself to be spontaneous or spontaneous on weekends or special occasions, it is always a good time to do something new or just show your partner how important it is in your life. Something as simple as surprising your partner with a message, inviting him to a dinner during the week, asking him how his day has gone or simply giving him a hug are small seeds that over time can become a strong foundation on which a relationship is based. happy.

3. Talk to your partner. Many times a small discussion without importance or something that the couple has done without realizing it are in the mind and they end up aggravating in an almost imperceptible way. When something does not seem right or you have discussed, use the language well, do not limit yourself to remain silent, express what you did not like, your point of view or your needs whenever you consider necessary. Do it in such a way that instead of expressions like "we spend little time together" use expressions like "I would like us to spend more time together". The first is a criticism and the second the expression of a personal need.

4. Accept your partner. Many people start relationships without paying attention to certain behaviors or attitudes of their partner thinking that over time they will change. The truth is that many of these behaviors or attitudes respond to personality traits that very rarely change. Wanting another person does not mean accepting everything you do but accepting their way of being as long as this does not imply disrespectful treatment of yourself. Some couples spend half their lives trying to make their husband or wife change to realize, after a long time, that it was impossible and that this has prevented them from focusing on the positive aspects and thereby enjoy much more of the relationship.

These are some tips that can really make a difference in your relationship, but you should always remember that the number one secret to a good relationship is to be with the right person. Confidence, respect, affection, empathy and emotional reciprocity are the bases on which a relationship must be based.

Carlos Miguel Fernández, Founder of Proactive Life and specialized coach for couples.

Video: 7 Tips For Saving Your Marriage (Don't Ignore This Crucial Advice!)

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