Match the school calendar to work to promote reconciliation

The conciliation it has become one of the objectives of many families and one of the missions of the current society. With it many couples would have a better opportunity to expand the number of children, distribute household chores and grow both personally and professionally. It is not surprising that many entities ask the administrations several measures to achieve this end.

One of these entities is the Family Forum, which proposes a series of measures to be able to achieve conciliation. Some suggestions among which is the matching of the school and work calendar so that even during the holidays, parents can ensure that their children are not left alone at home and the administrations promote activities for the little ones.

Reconciliation and vacation

The general director of the Forum of the Family, Javier Rodríguez, he complained to the administration initiatives that facilitate the conciliation during school vacations. "It is necessary to adapt the school holidays to the current work reality, which forces both parents to work, to facilitate the reconciliation", explains Rodríguez.

"These periods of school break are an important cost, both economically and professionally, to families with children, who must pay for camps, caregivers ", says Rodríguez in relation to those parents who must work even when the school calendar marks vacations, a problem that worsens in the case of large families .

The solution? Family Forum proposes the revision of the school calendar, so that it fits the labor calendar, and that the administrations take charge of the opening of the centers in these periods. In this way the schools will ensure activities that children can leave in charge of these centers and that they can have fun while the adults fulfill their work obligations.

Other measures for conciliation

The equalization of work and school hours is not the only proposed measure to achieve conciliation. These are some other media to achieve it:

- Rationalize schedules: it does not make sense to have two hours, sometimes more than food. It does not matter if there is a wonderful gym right below the office that offers discounts to workers. The reality is that it takes less than half an hour to eat. Shortening this meal time would mean leaving earlier.

- Earlier entry. Making the company's schedules less so rigid would relieve excess traffic at peak times and optimize productivity. In any case, not all companies work with other countries. Many do it only at the national level. Changing the schedule would be as simple as changing the time.

- Do not work overtime and even less not justified. Goodbye to the culture of heating the chair.

- Flexibility of the schedule. If each worker meets the hours of his contract efficiently, companies should allow more flexibility allowing employees to fulfill all their tasks.

- Telecommuting. Not everything can be done from home, but thanks to new technologies a greater number of jobs can be exercised remotely.

Damián Montero

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