Milk teeth: cavities and traumatisms

A trauma is an external injury that produces a factor with a mechanical action. In the case of milk teeth of children, these are also the object of alertness, since under the milk tooth, there is the future adult tooth whose germ can be damaged if the blow has been very strong. In this case, the trauma can also affect the soft tissues and the tongue, lips, gums, etc.

For the cure of these traumas in the milk teeth, it is basic to clean it with fresh water, but usually they are minor injuries that heal soon. "One misconception is to think that children should go to the dentist when their adult teeth begin to show their faces.The recommended age for the first visit is after 6 months, when the first milk teeth begin to sprout. The dentist's mouth is key to knowing if there is a problem, the specialist will analyze if the denture's evolution and growth is correct.

Transfer to the child the idea of ​​routine cleaning and the importance of a check of your mouth to keep it clean and healthy, with optimal oral hygiene is important so that they do not associate the visit of the dentist with something painful or at specific moments "says the dentist Iván Malagón.

Types of traumatisms in milk teeth

There are different types of trauma to milk teeth, depending on whether they are given immediate attention or not:

Injuries without immediate attention:

1. Avulsion: when the complete dental piece is lost after the stroke. We must ensure that the piece is whole and help to heal and lower the swelling of the affected area. For example with the cold of an ice cream.

2. Concussion: it is the term used for common hits. There is no displacement of the piece, and the pain will depend on different factors.

3. Subluxation: the blow generates bleeding in the gum, pain and mobility greater than in the concussion.

4. Enamel / dentin fracture: in this case we will find the loss of the fractured tooth part. You can generate a red dot, and depending on your degree of loss you can file the area or even replace the lost part.

Injuries with immediate attention

1. Extrusion: in this case the tooth comes out of the alveolus due to the blow, displacing it partially. It is one of the most painful cases besides generating the bad bite. It should be treated by an expert and sometimes it can be relocated.

2. Coronal fracture: we call the visible part of the tooth crown. In this case, the fracture caused by the blow reaches the nerve. Generating a red dot in the area of ​​breakage and creating a very sharp pain.

3. Intrusion: the tooth sinks into the bone by the blow. It is the worst trauma and its degree of severity will depend on how deep the tooth is keyed in the alveolus.

How to avoid tooth decay

60-90 percent of children have suffered from cavities. To avoid them, we must go to the dentist and create cleaning habits from babies, before their first milk teeth begin to sprout.

The recommended age for the first visit to the dentist and orthodontist is from 6 months, to check your mouth and avoid future problems. This will help promote good habits avoiding anatomical alterations and respiratory problems. Thanks to the control of their growth and evolution, more efficient and faster objectives are achieved. The visit to the dentist from an early age and its previous prevention, will ensure that severe malocclusions can be corrected or redirected, reducing the impact on the growth of our bone structures.

The milk teeth They are not forever, but still, they need the same hygiene as adult teeth. Therefore, children since they are babies, should learn daily cleaning habits. This happens even in the smallest, although their teeth have not started to come out, where it is recommended to clean the gums with a wetted gauze after each shot. As they grow and their teeth appear, we should accustom them to brush their teeth every day before going to bed and little by little, educate them in that cleaning after every meal, 3 times a day minimum. In addition, it is necessary to teach them how to properly clean, use dental floss, tongue cleaner, and that the brushing time is not less than two minutes. In this way your hygiene is complete.

"In addition to education in cleaning hygiene, it is very important to keep your mouth hydrated or not exceed the consumption of sweets, as it favors bacteria to generate acids in the mouth, eroding the enamel and causing the appearance of caries, pathology which occurs mostly in children between 60% and 90%, which is why our diet plays a very important role.It is key to avoid it, as also to avoid the consumption of tobacco before the children, it is really negative in its dental health and general health ", concludes Iván Malagón.

Eva Sandobal
Advice: Iván Malagón, dentist of Ivan Malagón Clinic

Video: Tooth Trauma- Ellis Classification

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