Hygiene in the newborn: these are the keys of the AEP

Becoming a father means an accelerated course in many subjects, from some lessons on basic medicine, to a support tutor who collaborate in their tasks. This becomes clear as soon as the child is born and you have to learn to meet the needs of the baby, and not only those that refer to the most basic such as food or sleep, also others such as clothing or grooming.

In fact, the fragility of newborns can make many parents feel panic when it comes to grooming their youngest children. For this reason, from the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, AEP, a series of tips are given so that these adults can fulfill these tasks effectively and without causing any harm.


What better way to ensure that the little ones are clean than with a good bathroom? AEP stresses that there is no clear guideline on how often a newborn should be bathed. The baby will benefit both daily and if he receives it every two days. What needs to be known is that the bathroom should be regular enough so that the child does not have hygiene problems

The periodicity of the bath will be determined by the way the baby confronts him, whether it is torture or if it is pleasant. In terms of logistics, the bathtub should not be filled beyond 15 or 20 cm in height. The water temperature should be 36 to 38 ºC.
Before starting balo, parents should check the temperature of the water, it will suffice to submerge the elbow or the back of the hand, you can also use a thermometer.

Parents should use a mild soap Neutral pH, in small quantity. At the time of lathering the child, all movement must be made in a delicate way. The duration of the bath should not exceed a few minutes in the first days of life to prevent the water from getting cold and the baby too. After the bath the drying will be done with a warm towel, doing it in a soft way.

Other hygiene tips

AEP also offers other tips to ensure the hygiene of children in other aspects such as for example cut the nails. It is important to know that the tip of these is usually attached to the skin of the finger which makes it very difficult to cut them during the first days, not without causing a wound to the baby. Therefore, although they seem very long in newborns, it is better to wait.

Towards the 15 or 20 days of life, parents can proceed to cut them. Meanwhile, a fine nail file can be used. After this time, a small scissors with a blunt tip will be used, always cutting straight and without leaving spikes in the corners that could cause scratches or dig into the skin of the finger.

Regarding the use of other elements such as colonies, parents should remember that smell is one of the most developed senses in the newborn, next to touch. An example is how the baby learns the smell of his mother from the uterus. If products with strong odors are used, it may be difficult for the child to recognize his or her parents in this way.

Damián Montero

Video: Podcast #106 - The Powers of Vitamin K2 w/ Dr. Kate Rhéaume-Bleue - Bulletproof Radio

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