The importance of memory in the learning process

The success in the studies is an objective in all the students, how to obtain it? There are many techniques to apply before an exam and after the school days, as well as capacities to enhance for this purpose. Among all these skills you can not ignore the benefits of having a good memory and train it when facing the agendas.

While the capacity for understanding and reasoning in students is key to success in the studies, the importance of a good education can not be ignored. memory. This is highlighted by the Education Association in one of his works where he highlights how the retention of content with good grades and the need to train, among other skills, this.

Influence of attention

The Educar Association explains that memory can not be understood without Attention. The first step to retain these contents is to put in them the senses in what is being learned. Both in class and at home, the child should be aware of the agenda. In an active way, the student should concentrate on these activities and avoid looking at external stimuli, so if these are eliminated better.

At this point, we must distinguish between different phases of the content memorization process:

- Sensory storage. Mechanism that allows to retain sensorial information not processed during a minimum time.

- Short-term or operational memory. Collection of information by seconds or minutes that allows to retain. An example is the retention of by a phone number until you mark it new.

- Medium term memory. It is applied in transitory circumstances in which it is required to keep a memory for hours. An example is remembering where the coat was placed after removing it

- Long-term memory. The most important step is that in which memories are consolidated and go from short-term memory to long-term memory, where they are permanently stored in order to be used in the future.

Taking into account these types of memory, it is clear that the ideal is to work on long-term memory so that students are able to remember the agenda once you face your exams. Therefore, we must remember that the first step is to work for good attention in students so that they can move from sensory storage to long-term retention.

The importance of understanding

Do not forget the importance it has for the student understand what is being studied. This is a very important step to work on long-term memory. As much as it is attended, if the child does not understand the agenda, he will simply work in the medium term, at the time of the exam he will release what he has retained and will not have really learned.

To achieve it nothing better than working on reading comprehension to be able to identify the most important of the text and be able to use it in the long term. To achieve this, here are some keys:

- Read regularly. Getting used to reading is a good technique to adapt the view to these functions and identify words.

- Have a dictionary at hand. To understand what is being read, we must know what words mean, a dictionary is a great ally in this mission.

- Work schematizing. Is the reading too big? The main ideas can be simplified through a scheme that helps to memorize the concept of the agenda that is being learned.

- List of keywords. Like the schemes, making a list with the key words of the agenda will help to understand what is important.

Damián Montero

Video: Importance of Memory In 2018

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