Bullying aggressor: that's his profile

The bullying it is characterized by physical and / or psychological aggressions, with a high burden of violence, either through the use of force, intimidation or constant humiliation, continuous and lasting over time. In this sense, the behavior of the aggressor or stalker obeys to a behavior typically of animal nature, since it acts on the basis of primary instincts of control and territorial domain, limited to the educational environment.

In bullying, the use of violence is a tool of submission to the group and an end in itself, with which the bully obtains results. So, the minor bullying aggressor acts as leader of his "herd", composed of followers who cheer, accompany and praise their actions, reinforcing their behavior; being their motivations very different, such as fear, play, entertainment, search for new sensations or desire for prominence, to indicate some examples.

Bullying aggressor: a feared leader in school

Be that as it may, any new, disruptive or different element will be seen as a threat by the aggressor, who will exercise his dominion with more fierceness and iron fist, sending, therefore, a very clear message: the power of decision is under his command, supervising and directing any movement that takes place in the center, and even more so if his authority is questioned or questioned; therefore, whoever wants to alter the order of things, should challenge and face directly, as occurs in the animal and natural world.

Under these parameters and hierarchical structure, all minors involved in the initiation, development and execution of the Bullying or bullying, either directly or indirectly, they have a clearly defined and differentiated profile:

First, the aggressor learns to get what he wants through the use of force or physical and / or psychological intimidation, using the power of fear as a strong element of control over the group.

Secondly, Observers or spectators passively accept these behaviors hostile and harassing towards others in the belief that adopting an indifferent attitude keeps them from harm, retaliation or attack they may receive; in other words, "better that it happens to others than to me".

In third and last place, the followers align with the aggressor on the basis that the power of the strongest is the one that prevails and rewards their support.

The social skills of the bullying aggressor

In any case, contrary to what may seem and even imagine much of public opinion, the aggressor or stalker does have enough social skills to perpetrate their acts and execute them.

In this sense, in a high percentage of cases he enjoys capacities of persuasion, psychological manipulation, a charismatic personality, strong convictions and deep-rooted beliefs, which he does not hesitate to use, if necessary, to justify his actions, in the form of all kinds of reasoning, argumentation and counter-replies.

These qualities give him an aura of false leadership, being able, in many occasions, to give the impression of possessing a self-esteem and dazzling, overwhelming and captivating security, that seduces to its equal, generating groups of followers, on the one hand; and a position of dominion and authority, on the other, that many do not dare to question.

This kind of psychological profile would be very similar which we can observe in the abusers and cases of gender violence. In these situations, the aggressors are perfect manipulators, skilled in creating scenarios, facts, realities and alter or modify, to unsuspected limits, any version that is credible, however improbable it may seem, to defend their positions, ideas or positions; hiding, in this way, his authentic personality and obscure intentions.

In short, not even his closest circle really knows how it is, "they know how to throw the stone and hide the hand".

Thus, we find many similarities of this profile in the lesser bullies; although, in other occasions, the parameters are very different, since the minor aggressor makes his evident preponderance and physical strength prevail, to carry out his acts of harassment.

In any case, one thing is clear, the harasser suffers from sufficient sensitivity and compassion to empathize with his victims, intolerance to frustration, lack of positive referents and a worrying need for immediacy and obtaining things quickly; with which it becomes essential a deep reeducation work in this direction, by institutions, public authorities and professionals.

Ricardo Lombardero Calzón. Lawyer, Mediator and Coach. Co-founder of Lomber Cyberbullying Solutions

Video: Boy Refuses to Wrestle Girl & Bullying

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