How to take advantage of new technologies to interact with teachers

The new technologies are already here and they will not go away. It is true that they have many risks that have been talked about enough, but can not forget which are also good tools to solve some problems. They facilitate communication, they are an almost immediate source of information, they allow to store files and transfer them with great ease.

In fact, thanks to them, parents can maintain an almost constant contact with teachers of their children. A way to know how things go in the classroom, to know about new activities such as upcoming activities or campaigns in which they can participate, as well as to create groups with other parents in order to make common decisions about the little ones in the school environment.

New technologies and communication

As has been said, new technologies can be a very beneficial instrument when it comes to maintaining contact with teachers of the little ones. As indicated by the Undestood Foundation, electronic mail is one of the most effective formulas in this regard. At the beginning of the school year it is recommended that parents exchange their addresses with teachers.

In this way, teachers can receive circular about the activities that your children will carry out at school and other meetings at the center. In this way possible losses in the formal mail are prevented. On the other hand, information is also provided almost in real time. For example, the bulletins of notes can be received by the parents almost in real time to know how they are doing in the center.

At the same time, some teaching centers publish journals with the news of the center in digital format. Parents can also receive them in their email to check the news of their children in the center, as well as see the result of certain activities. On the other hand, instant messaging applications can be used to create groups involving parents and teachers, and other school staff, to define some aspects.

Importance of communication with the center

Communication with the teacher is very important given the amount of hours that the child passes in the educational center and the importance that this has in its formation. From the Understood Foundation it is explained that establishing a collaborative relationship with the teaching staff has great benefits for the children. Knowing that at school and at home they are helping you in a coordinated way can help you feel more secure.

Parents and teachers can share their expectations with the child and establish guidelines for work both inside and outside of school. Something that will not confuse the student when faced with two different ways of proceeding that may confuse him. Similar study techniques, notes on how to help children with homework, without solving them, or where to expand the knowledge given in class, may be some of the advantages of this communication.

On the other hand, the teacher it will benefit thanks to the information of the parents, which help to predict what could be complicated for the students and determine what kind of adaptations are necessary and will benefit them. It is always useful for a teacher to obtain this data, even when he has been teaching this child for some time, since the time he spends with him is limited.

Damián Montero

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