Sleeping little increases the risk of long-term dementia

The importance of sleep Well it is known by all. Rest at night and dedicate to sleep the hours recommended by specialists is very important to recharge batteries and meet the challenges of everyday life. But not only to have the batteries ready, other benefits are also related to comply with this schedule, for example less stress and a reduction in anxiety.

Now, a study conducted by the University of Washington in St. Louis, and published in the Annals of Neurology, highlights the importance of break to prevent long-term dementia. Resting is very important throughout life and in the long term it can mean the difference between a good mental aging or the development of some problems such as Alzheimer's.

Beta-amyloid production

In this investigation, we monitored 8 individuals between 30 and 60 years old. None of them had health problems or alterations in their sleep. During the time that this work lasted, they were exposed to three different scenarios: normal night of rest, without the use of drugs to sleep, stay awake all night, or a sleep caused by a medication against sleep disorders.

Each of the participants was analyzed during 36 hours, and every 2 hours a sample of the cerebrospinal fluid in which the brain is submerged and of the spinal cord was extracted. The objective was to detect the presence of amyloid beta protein, related to the appearance of Alzheimer's, and fatigue in patients. Six months later the tests were repeated, on this occasion half of the subjects participated in all scenarios.

The results of the investigation showed that those individuals with the greatest difficulty in falling asleep presented between a 25 and 30% more than likely to develop the amyloid beta protein, which in the long run would mean a greater chance of suffering dementia. In fact, in cases where patients had not slept at all, the same levels of this protein were present as in people who had a genetic predisposition to develop Alzheimer's.

In this way researchers put on the table the importance of rest, not only in adults, but from children. Creating good sleep habits contributes in the long run to keeping away a long series of problems such as those mentioned in this investigation.

Benefits of rest

This research only provides another reason to promote sleep hygiene among the little ones. From the Spanish Heart Foundation there are other proven sleeping benefits:

- Increase creativity.
When the brain is rested and the production of hormones is balanced, the memory works perfectly. That makes the imagination more powerful and we, more creative.

- Help maintain a good weight.
Lack of sleep causes adipocytes (fat cells) to release less leptin, the appetite suppressor hormone. Insomnia also causes the stomach to release more ghrelin (the appetite hormone). Both actions cause that little sleep is associated with obesity.

- Improves health.
Our immune system uses sleep time to regenerate itself, which allows it to fight effectively against the toxins and germs that continually threaten us. With a weak immune system we have much less chance of successfully overcoming infections.

- Improves memory.
Sleeping strengthens neuronal connections. During the REM phase of sleep, the hippocampus, the storehouse of our memory, is restored, transforming short-term memory into long-term memory. At the Haifa University (Israel) they have corroborated it with the results of a study that states that a 90-minute mid-afternoon nap helps to fix memories and dexterity.

- Protect the heart.
A recent study published in the European Heart Journal states that insomniacs are three times more likely to suffer heart failure than those who sleep soundly. Insomnia increases blood levels of stress hormones, which increases blood pressure and heart rate. Other studies also link insomnia to having the highest cholesterol.

- Reduces depression.
When we sleep, the body relaxes and that facilitates the production of melanin and serotonin. These hormones counteract the effects of stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) and help us to be happier and emotionally stronger. Lack of sleep causes, on the contrary, an increased and sustained release of stress hormones.

Damián Montero

Video: Sleep Duration & Dementia: An Early Marker of Cognitive Decline?

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