Practical guide to survive exams

Anxiety can affect the academic performance and also the results of the exámentes. The mental process by which anxiety produces deterioration of academic performance occurs when people focus their attention on internal aspects, such as their negative thoughts, and not on the task they face.

Anxiety is something natural and natural to life. If before the challenges of life we ​​were not endowed with this emotional reaction, we probably would not have the capacity to respond. Thanks to anxiety, the organism fills itself with energy to face new or difficult situations, and with this it obtains a greater concentration, a focused perception and an adequate physical tone.

But when that anxiety is extreme it is a problem, because it prevents us from achieving the objectives we have set (study, go to the exam, pass), diminishing academic performance and negatively affecting our health (insomnia, headaches, nausea, vomiting).

Test anxiety: is there a predisposition?

Test anxiety affects not only the academic performance but also the emotional state and health of the students. Therefore, it is normal that at that time they are more irascible, sad or apathetic. But not all college students suffer from stress. How an individual responds to stressful events depends to a large extent on personal disposition.

In some people, test anxiety can be considered a common trait, they have a predisposition to anxiety in situations that they perceive as complicated or dangerous, while others suffer a state of occasional anxiety without having a natural predisposition to it.

Quick guide to survive exams

First of all, stop to think:
1. Identify what is worrying you and what emotion is behind the anxiety. Why is this test so important to you? What would happen if you did not approve? What thoughts prevent you from being calm?

2. Think about how you talk to yourself, if you are being very hard on yourself: "I am not capable", "I am stupid"; or if you are having negative anticipatory thoughts: "I'm going to suspend it."

3. Analyze how you take care during exams. Are you sleeping, eating and leading a healthy lifestyle?

Ideas to improve your attitude towards the exams

1. Make correct interpretations: Notes that you find hard to study and you call yourself "dumb". Question if you are stupid or if what happens is that stress does not allow you to study.

2. Banish illogical thoughts: you believe that you will never be able to pass the exam. Do you really think that if you study with time and tranquility you will not be able to approve it? Banish distorted, illogical and unreal thoughts.

3. Discover what hides behind the anxiety: When anxiety is the result of prolonged stress, it is important to find out what kind of emotion is behind: Do you feel afraid to disappoint someone? Do you fear the opinion of your parents, teachers and colleagues? Ask yourself if you are your academic results.

4. Be assertive: People who suffer anxiety problems often have difficulties to be assertive, that is, the personal ability that allows us to express directly and honestly feelings, opinions and thoughts, at the right time, in the right way and without denying or disregarding the rights own and of others.

5. Try to regulate yourself: The ability to be calm and control this state of anxiety is key to neutralize anxiety. Use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or muscle relaxation through tension and distension of your muscle groups or practice sports if you see that that helps you.

6. Watch your diet: Avoid taking excessive alcohol, caffeine, snuff, lots of salt and stimulants. These substances raise the level of anxiety in people.

7. Be cautious with medications: The indiscriminate mediation to combat anxiety is not healthy.

Strategies before the exam

1. Arrive early enough to sit in a place where you feel comfortable.
2. Try to go with the people who give you security and who reinforce your preparation.
3. When you receive the exam, read the instructions a couple of times and organize your time efficiently.

Strategies during the exam

1. Some of the relaxation techniques that you can use during the study phase can also be used during the exam, such as deep breathing or tension-strain of the muscles.
2. Take a couple of minutes of rest if you think it is necessary to practice them.
3. Start with the simplest questions, which will reinforce you and make you face the most difficult questions with greater security.
Four.Do not rush if you see that your colleagues finish earlier, work quietly at your own pace.

Sofia Carriles. Psychologist

Video: ⭐️How To Survive Exams With Anxiety.⭐️

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