This is how young people have changed in recent decades

Times change and with them the members of society. Most parents will see it in their children and how they seem to be very different from what they were. But, to what extent does today differ from past years? About it to speak the report Young Spaniards "between two centuries", where the reality of youth is collected after the course of the last decades.

A sample in which, for example, one considers how the policy has focused on protecting the younger generations or how the presence of new technologies in the development of the youngest ones influences their way of seeing the world. In short, a proof that times have changed and that parents can not be oblivious to these alterations.

Changes in values

This report includes some aspects such as the values ​​of young people and how they make them see the world. In this sense, we can see how the ethics of new generations it has changed and they justify to a greater extent some actions such as making noise on weekends, even bothering neighbors, or getting drunk on purpose.

The justification for actions also grows little civic such as not paying the public transport ticket or causing damage in the street, although the growth of this last aspect has been scarce. More concern causes the percentage of justification for gender violence or drug ingestion to increase. Although this increase has been slight, this alteration in the values ​​of the young people is noteworthy.

As for what is important for the youngest: family, health and work lead this ranking. Keeping diseases and discomfort away is the best value for the participants in this report since almost 84% It qualifies this aspect as "very important" and 13.9% "quite important".

The family is considered "very important" by the 80,6% of young people today and 16.5% "quite important". For its part, 57% of respondents considered "very important" to get a job and 38.6% "quite important". Among the least valued, politics remains one of the aspects with the worst evaluation in this regard.

Young people and family

Highlights, in particular, how the consideration of the family by young people has grown in these years. If in 1994, the 70% of respondents considered that this nucleus was "very important", in 2016 this percentage was at 80.6%. A growth that saves the decline produced in 2010, where this number fell to 71% after rising to 80% in 2005.

This survey has also collected the reasons why young people they argue with their parents. Almost 50% point out that domestic tasks are the ones that cause the most stress at home, while 42.5% say that it is the studies that give rise to these quarrels. Alcohol and political opinions are positioned as two of the aspects that produce fewer discussions since only 15.8% and 10.6% respectively indicate this.

The family is still an environment where young people feel comfortable. In fact it is the preferred scenario to talk about the important things in life as indicated by 61.6% of the respondents, a percentage that has increased since 2005. For their part, 48.2% of them affirm that same with your friends.

Damián Montero

Video: What has Changed in Japan the most in the last decades?

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