This is how anxiety affects our quality of life

There are many thinkers and writers who have described our time as "was of anxiety"The present man can boast of having many things, however, these advances are a double-edged sword: they facilitate life, but at the same time, they enslave.

Poor quality of life

If we consider what the man of our time feels, we will see that we are subject to haste, impatience, stress ... indisputable social indicators of a society stressed and abducted by stress. They are in vogue terms like mobbing, Burning syndrome or burn out, gender violence, etc., which distill symptoms -among others- such as anxiety or poor quality of life.

Recent studies indicate that anxiety disorders are those that occur more frequently in the general population. Anxiety, or indicators of stress, are present in multiple areas such as work, education and also in the family and social. Although the word anxiety connotes a pejorative nuance, it is not "per se" negative, but it can even be adaptive.

Feeling nervous or restless in certain circumstances, not only is not harmful but is human. It helps us to face certain requirements and concrete demands of life, increasing our performance. It helps us to sharpen our resources and face external demands.

We act without thinking

However, anxiety may stop being adaptive and become pathological. The problem arises when the anxiety response is disproportionate in intensity and duration. The dissatisfaction in which the man of today sums up, is typical of societies satiated, well-off, drugged and unthinking. We are offered resources and services dedicated to the palliative care of a society that runs but does not think, acts but does not reflect, consumes compulsively and without discernment, seeking satisfaction in false gratifications.

The image and power become the safe conduct of success, so that man becomes a desperate seeker of it, with the consequent discomfort that causes, ending in an immeasurable life dissatisfaction. That is when the inability to find peace and comfort in everyday things appears, which need not be spectacular. It seeks to have control of everything, losing control of their own emotions.

Dr. Montse Giner Lladós. Clinical psychologist at the ABB Center. Professor at the UIC and the Abat Oliba University (CEU). Coordinator of the children's and adults' psychological office

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