Organization, the key to academic success

The student's life is not easy. As it grows and acquires responsibilities, things get complicated and sometimes it has to face a quantity of work that, apparently, it can not be assumed. But you just have to stop, breathe and establish a bit of order to discover that with a little effort it is very possible to achieve success in this goal.

The organization is one of the key factors in student success. Several educators suggest a structured life rather than long workdays when it comes to obtaining academic objectives. A position they recommend from the Cadiz University, that explain to the students that an organizational chart is always better than a night full of coffee and notes.

No postpone work

Many students end up catching the bull with the arrival of the exams. As these tests approach, many students choose to start working to pass a month before or a few weeks before. However, the experts of this University bet on a rime more spread over time. If from the first day you dedicate 2 or 3 hours to review the classes and techniques such as passing notes to clean, it will be easier to reach the approved, with good note, when the time comes.

Dedicating a space after all classes is ideal. For this, you will have to check the class schedule and choose which section of the day you can complete these needs. It does not have to be always at the same time, but it does keep this routine throughout the week.

Of course, the days when there is no class you have to rest, but neither should we forget about academic obligations. A brief review of the notes will allow a more in-depth study, and a greater understanding of the temary. It is not about memorizing long paragraphs, it is useless to try to retain until the last comma.

Where to invest time?

As test dates approach, students may feel more overwhelmed. Faced with this anxiety, more organization. The first thing the student should ask himself is where should he invest time. Which subjects are best prepared? Do you need a break? Is there any other commitment that requires attention? A good idea is to establish a work plan.

A planning that takes into account a large part of the day, contemplating hours of study and moments for rest. In this organization chart you will also have to distribute the content depending on the time needed. Although you also have to take into account the unforeseen. In reality, the imagined can get upset and the student will find that he needs more hours than he thought. At this point it is worth noting that the sooner you start to fulfill the responsibilities, the greater the margin of action will be.

Organizational decalogue

For a good organization, the University of Cádiz proposes the following decalogue to obtain success:

- Place of study. The study area should be a quiet place like a library or a room where the student is free of distractions or interruptions.

- Action plan. The best way to invest time is to organize it: identify priorities and what the objectives are. For this nothing better than having clear delivery dates and other factors.

- Commitment Is there a study plan? Now it is time to commit and swear to oneself that one is going to fulfill

- Nothing is postponed. The "morning I start" ends with a "I do not have time" at the end. If in the calendar it appears that the day begins work, that day is not postponed except for major cause.

- Progressive work. While you have to be constant and do not skip the calendar, you should not pretend to control everything from the first hour. You have to divide the work over time and increase the load as you pick up the pace.

- Organization. Getting file cabinets or folders to organize notes and other work is an excellent idea to identify everything in the act. No notes on loose sheets and likely to get lost or mixed.

- Breaths. The body needs rest, and the mind too. There is nothing wrong with stopping and taking a break. Before starting the study, you can decide how many hours the work is stopped before resuming it.

- Remember the "No". Sometimes the student may find that his friends want to leave, but he must study. There is nothing wrong with saying "no", there will be an opportunity to enjoy these plans.

- Identify failures. Having a plan is not synonymous with success, this can present errors that make it ineffective. Identifying these faults and improving them will increase the probability of success even more.

- Rewards Work well done? You deserve a reward! Watch the episode of that series that you follow, go out with the friends to disconnect. But remember, the prize does not stop you from fulfilling the next step of the plan.

Damián Montero

Video: The Secret to Student Success | Arel Moodie | TEDxYouth@ClintonSquare

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