4 tips to help with the education of grandchildren

If we pay attention to a recent survey by the National Institute of Statistics, almost 50% of the grandparents he attends daily to his small grandchildren, who are mostly in school. They not only take them and pick them up from school, but also help them with their school work. For the grandparents this means forgetting the approach of a peaceful life and having to deoxidize and polish the already left anxious to educate the children.

The grandparents must know that the first educational responsibility belongs to their parents and that their actions with the grandchildren must be in accordance with those of the parents, that is, they must encourage in the education of grandchildren Obedience to their parents.

If in any case there is an educational discrepancy, it can never be a criticism of the parents in the presence of their children, although it is necessary and convenient to discuss these differences of opinion with the parents. They must also inform the parents in what they observe in the coexistence with the grandchildren. It would be a misunderstood tenderness to conceal inappropriate actions of the grandchildren.

Basic habits for the education of the grandchildren

These are some tips for grandparents They take care of their smaller grandchildren, from a few months to 6 years.

Since the birth of a child there are four basic habits that must be achieved with perseverance.

1. The child should eat well, of everything appropriate for your age, at your time and in a certain time.

2. You must have your sleep hours, as a fixed daily routine and in your own bed.

3. Maintain an order in the schedules so that the child knows what he has to do in each moment, because it can not depend on our whim.

4. You must learn to clean yourself as a hygienic norm and be thankful for cleanliness. It is necessary to avoid letting oneself be carried away by feelings and messing up life in the mentioned aspects, granting the child his caprices.

Educational guidelines for the education of grandchildren

1. Learn
"The brain is not a glass to be filled, but a lamp to be lit"(Plutarco)

Neurological research tells us that brain development can be intensified if an early learning is carried out, providing the child with adequate stimuli at the opportune moment of its development, not in an early stage; but without ceasing to take advantage of the time when the evolutionary development of their abilities facilitates and enhances certain learning, for which biologically and psychologically is in the best conditions. In the educational literature these moments are called sensitive periods. It is about allowing the natural abilities that can develop in those ages have the opportunity to do so through education. In the pages dedicated to early learning, grandparents can find various possibilities to collaborate in this brain development. However, I will now propose some sensory stimuli that are within your reach.

2. Play
The child has an enormous capacity to learn many things while playing and is happy when we give him the possibility to learn them, enjoy and collaborate with enthusiasm. To learn, in addition to seeing you have to do.

3. Enrich your language
To enrich your language it is convenient to show you stories with images of animals, or objects of daily life, telling them their names and seeing how they are written. Speak with serenity and with a simple language, avoiding the diminutives. Reading him children's stories and explaining what he does not understand, we develop his language. There are studies that show that children cared for by grandparents have a better verbal expression. Grandparents need patience to respond to your avalanche of questions that must be answered truthfully.

4. Develop your psychomotor skills
The fine psychomotor develops when the child works with plasticine, modeling simple figures. Also the coloring exercises help control your hands. A good apprenticeship is a walk through a park, making you observe the differences between the different trees, the shape of their leaves, the texture of their bark, etc. Listen a few minutes a classical music passage will develop your hearing. And so, many other activities that appear monthly in this magazine. Grandparents can be an important source of stimulation and information.

5. Strengthen your strengths
You get much more with a drop of honey than with a barrel of gall (Popular saying)
To educate is to rely on a child's strengths to neutralize the weak. It is necessary to educate in positive, encouraging, encouraging, facilitating the right means at the right time, with patience and perseverance, without being too demanding or negative, which will give confidence to children and encourage them to excel. Two goals to achieve will be sincerity and obedience. And above all, encourage your generosity, with example and affection. The child needs success to develop their self-esteem, which is achieved by encouraging much more than censoring.We must participate in their small and great successes in the activities that we mentioned before. Let us be attentive to cut off the anger and jealousy between the brothers and cousins.

The relationship with the grandchildren is more relaxed with greater tenderness. We must always take them seriously and avoid mocking their weaknesses. Like their parents, grandparents are a model for grandchildren. Up to 3 years old, children tend to imitate their models, with eagerness to repeat and the taste to learn from them. We will succeed if they are treated with naturalness and joy, if we ask for forgiveness when necessary, we thank them when they help us and we teach them to do it with others. We know that sometimes the physical limitations of age make it difficult to smile, but you have to fight to make an effort when they are, because a sad grandfather would be a sad grandfather.

Marina Berrio

Video: Gifting to Your Grandchildren

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