3 enemies of fertility: pollution, stress and poor diet

Fertility problems have increased in recent years. In some cases they are of unknown origin and do not have a direct connection with genetics. In addition, the endogenous causes of this disease are not identical in men and women.

In the case of women, many of the problems to achieve pregnancy are due to diseases such as endometriosis -presence of endometrium outside the uterus- or polycystic ovarian syndrome. For men, the same thing happens with varicocele (dilation of the veins that drain the blood from the testicles) or the alteration of semen, with the absence of sperm in the ejaculate, also known as azoospermia.

On the other hand, the possibility of having offspring also differs according to other parameters such as age and reproductive material. While for men the years are not a problem, for women it is a key issue. The age of the woman and, therefore, the quality of her oocytes is the main factor that limits the chances of pregnancy. However, there is no medical consensus on how age affects man's reproductive capacity. We know that from the age of 60 the testicles become smaller and the sperm move less. But it is not clear that this means worse possibilities of conceiving.

3 keys to protect fertility

Among the main care to protect fertility stresses leading a healthy lifestyle and avoid their three main external enemies: stress, pollution and poor diet.

1. Stress It favors the production of the hormone cortisol, which inhibits the release of another hormone, LH (luteinizing hormone), responsible for ovulation. Thus, in very stressed women, ovulation disorders can be observed, ranging from imbalances in the period to hypothalamic functional amenorrhea, that is, the complete loss of menstruation.

2. Environmental pollution. This circumstance is especially adverse in large cities. Different works relate it to the progressive decrease of semen quality. Special mention deserve professionals exposed to substances such as pesticides, plastics, industrial chemicals and fuels, which are known endocrine disruptors, which are industrial substances that can perform actions similar to hormones such as estrogens, androgens, thyroid hormones or steroids .

3. The feeding. Play an important role when it comes to achieving pregnancy. It is advisable to increase the intake of foods rich in Vitamin D, especially in the months when we are less exposed to sunlight: salmon, tuna, milk and yogurt. For them, blueberries, citrus fruits and nuts are especially recommended because they stimulate sperm motility.

Marina Berrio

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