Crying babies, how to stay calm and find out why they cry

Nobody is born knowing, let alone speaking. For this reason, babies have another way of communicating to express their discomfort: the crying. Something that in some occasions can upset the parents after so many hours listening to their children cry. But, although it is difficult, the key is to stay calm and try to guess what happens to the child.

Stressing only leads parents to question themselves: "What am I doing wrong, why does not my son shut up? Am I not able to be a good father?" Controlling the mind will allow seeing things from another prism, and understanding that this situation will be overcome. Since Kidspot a series of tips are provided to know how to deal with these situations.

Maintain optimism

The first advice that is given is to maintain the optimism and ward off negative ideas. Sometimes many parents find themselves in a dead end that makes them think badly about the poor quality of their care than trying to find a solution. Thinking positive will always help you see things differently. If overwhelm begins to take hold of one, it is best to ask the couple to take care of the baby while putting the mind in order.

An act as simple as a Diaphragmatic breathing slow helps calm the sympathetic nervous system. Once the tension is lowered, it will be necessary to focus on the basic options by which every child can cry. Going discarding options will allow you to find the one that is causing the situation: check if you are hungry, if you have stained the diaper and it bothers you, if something prevents you from sleeping or scares you, etc.

If any of these options does not work, other ways must be evaluated such as taking the baby's temperature in case it is incubating some discomfort. For all this it is necessary to keep the head in order since it is necessary to remember that the son needs the attention of his father since he can not transmit what bothers the rest of the world.

Infant colic and baby crying

Since before the birth, parents must assimilate something as basic as babies cry. At these ages there is no other way to communicate the discomfort since they do not dominate the language, so it is an option to prepare for these moments. Go assimilating that there will be nights in which touch to unveil with the child in arms until find out what happens.

Assimilating this fact will also allow parents to stop feeling guilty in this situations. All babies cry and if your child does, there is no reason to feel bad about it. It is common in the development of all children. If the situation still exceeds, it is not bad to ask for help from the pediatrician or any other expert to handle these moments.

It is possible that, at some point, you have to ask for help from a relative such as grandparents to cope with these times. In fact, the worst is when the baby's cramps appear: a continuous session of crying that can last several hours and usually appears at the same time of day for several weeks. The help of a relative can serve to rest, relax a little, find advice and achieve the necessary relaxation to cope in the best way the baby's cry.

Damián Montero

Video: 5 Ways To Deal With A Crying Baby

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