The influence of instability on the couple for the development of the baby

The partner It is the core of every family. From the stability of the same, the future of each home will depend, so it is not surprising that if the marriage shows signs of deterioration with constant arguments and fights, the development of their babies can be altered. A tense atmosphere at home can have serious consequences for the little ones.

A new study conducted by the University of Oregon It provides a new reason for couples to learn to solve their conflicts and prevent them from reaching their children: to ensure a good rest in their babies. As these data show, families with a more deteriorated climate make the younger ones rest worse, something that ends up affecting their rest.

Importance of the environment

Those responsible for this study point out the importance of a calm climate so that the baby can feel safe before To fall asleep. To test this hypothesis, 357 families were reunited with a baby between 9 and 18 months. In this case, the child was adopted to avoid possible genetic connections that caused this alteration in the rhythm of sleep.

All parents participating in this study participated in an interview when their babies were nine months old. These surveys were intended to assess instability matrimonial that each couple was going through at some point, for which questions about their relationship were raised, including whether any of the parties had considered the separation.

At the same time, the parents responded in a Independent another questionnaire where they should talk about the ability of their children to fall asleep and stay that way throughout the night. The team conducted several follow-up interviews when each child when they turned one year old, and a year and a half. In these cases the parents had to answer the same questions as in their first meeting about the quality of their marriage and about the children's sleeping patterns.

"We discovered that marital instability when babies are nine months old are able to predict sleep problems at 18 months (*) That is: a child's sleep difficulties do not predict or imply a lack of marital harmony of the parents", explains Anne M. Mannering, lead author of this research.

Marriage stability

As has been said, the success of the marriage will mark the course of any family. Therefore, we must know how to take care of this union and maintain stability. One of the causes that explains the discomfort of families is the lack of understanding and the lack of empathy between the families. couples. Many people do not know how to resolve conflicts and are not able to put themselves in the place of the other to understand it and reach a common agreement. Instead they prefer to lock themselves in their position and not change in order to improve.

Without losing the independence of each person, we must remember that you live with another person to whom you are linked by an emotional bond and by whom you feel lots of love. Together with her, a common life project has been created and we must take care of this future, in addition to the created. Know how to temper and not shake the built, not think of the 'me', but the 'all'.

We must remember that the stability of the couple has a price that goes by caring for the other, maintaining the commitment assumed and dedicating time to the other person. Although usually the moments in common are good, we must also bear in mind that bad times will come for those who will have to sit down and talk, not argue. These are some tips for it:

- Talk and communicate feelings. It is important to talk to the other person when something has bothered us, explain what has caused these emotions in us and understand their motives.

- To think that although now we are not in a position to recognize it, in the past we thought that person deserved to be loved. Remember the strong love that unites us to the couple.

- It may be that at the moment of this situation only qualities we do not like about our partner are seen, but that does not mean that that person is bad in all its essence. In fact, if we calm down we will remember all the good things that it has

- Assume the error as something human, understandable with time and always forgivable. Both in the other person, and when we have been the ones who have made a mistake.

Damián Montero

Video: Dr Gabor Maté Attachment and Brain Development

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