The influence of the father's diet on the development of the son

Eating well is an obligation for everyone inside the home, from the oldest to the youngest. Parents, children, brothers, everyone must maintain a good diet for many reasons. And not only because taking care of what is put on the table ensures a good state of health to the members of a household, but because what is eaten also influences the development of the children.

This is indicated by a study of the faculty of Biological Sciences of the University of Monash, Australia. An investigation that shows that not only the father it is what you eat, also your children are influenced by the diet that the man takes before the pregnancy of his partner.

Influence on the sperm

It is usually pointed out that the influence of man on the development of the fetus only translates into the genetic load they lend. However, this new research suggests that the father can decide in many more points than previously thought. For this, a group of parents was analyzed asking them about their habitual diet and later it was proved how this had had an impact on their children.

The study showed that the males who had high-protein diets had children who had greater competitiveness in their sperm. That is, those parents with these menus meant that in the future their children would have a greater probability of being generated in the pregnancy by having reproductive cells with a higher level of mobility.

This study also found that the genes that influenced the immune system were less active in those children of parents who maintained a low protein diet before the pregnancy of their partners. On the other hand, the processes metabolic and reproductive rates were increased in children of parents with a high protein diet. Some results that show that taking into account the diet before pregnancy can help the child to develop in one way or another.

Influence of the father

The figure of the father does not only influence the genetic load and in other aspects as this study shows. It also results in the child's development once it is born in many other ways:

Sexual identity.
It is the model of the masculine. But for that he must feel admiration for him, that he has some specific skill: "dad is the one who knows". In this process of identification it is very important to teach to stop their aggressive impulses: if they see a man who controls himself, he will be motivated to do it too.

Move to the adult world.
The father helps the child to enter the adult world through the "rites of initiation", such as: remove the rear wheels of the bicycle, and later give him the first razor.

Support for the mother.
A father involved in the care of their children has developed a bond similar to that of the mother, making the child find another figure to turn to in case of need.

Damián Montero

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