What parents can do to make going back to school more bearable

Everyone likes to have a good time, and children are no exception. But also many responsibilities to fulfill, especially from September, which is the end of the rest routine related to holidays and start another course. Seeing so close homework, school work, exams and everything related to academic life can cause some anxiety in children.

An anxiety that also has to see the attitude of parents. Children often feel pressured by the expectations of their parents regarding their grades. While there is no need to avoid responsibilitiesThere is also no need to cross a line that ends up stressing the youngest ones, directly affecting the academic success of the students.

Transmit tranquility

The pedagogue Cristina Moll Remember that parents are the mirror in which children are seen, a lighthouse in the middle of the sea of ​​things they do not understand. The first step of the parents in the return to school should be to stay calm. Adults also return to work and this can cause them some anxiety that is transmitted to their children as fear of returning to the routine.

If the parents are stressed by the end of the holidays, the children will experience the same experience when they return to school. The mission of the Adults It is going step by step, without losing the rhythm. Show calm and accept your return to the job world as something normal and what you have to meet. Although there is no denying a small period of adaptation to children.

Parents should avoid demanding the same rhythm of work that was had before finishing the last course. Little by little, the alarm clock must be set earlier and the afternoons must be used to recover the routine of the tasks to start up the machinery. Instead of constantly remembering that they are going back to school, parents should make these reminders with phrases like "you are already with your classmates", "How many things are you going to learn this year".

What should be avoided

At the time of the children's return to school, parents must remember that there are certain things that you should avoid:

- Be blamed Even if the child cries, you do not have to feel guilty. It is the natural rhythm and every year the return to school is repeated.

- Use emotional blackmail in the farewell. Children should not be told that they will love them less if they are whiners or make them feel cowards.

- The lie. Some parents prefer to tell their children that they will return shortly to pick them up. This only generates in the children a greater sadness when feeling deceived. It is better to tell the truth and remember how good it is going to be with your friends.

- Do not show grief. Trying to show empathy by making children understand with phrases like "poor thing, what a hard time you have had to pass" is not advisable. It is advisable to ask for good things, such as if you played something fun or how your classmates are doing.

In the same way, parents should act in the following manner during the return to school:

- Carry and pick up children so they feel more safe when going to school. In addition, parents can take advantage of the return home to review the day and highlight the good over the bad.

- Review at home what is necessary to return to school without being overwhelmed or stressed.

- Ask questions and coordinate with the professionals of the center.

Damián Montero

Video: How to Make School Go by Faster

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