Rejection in adolescents, how to get this feeling does not exceed you

Having friends is very important for the human being, who has a very important social component. But it is impossible to please everyone and sometimes people encounter the rejection of other individuals. Something that can be done especially hard in adolescence, stage of changes and uncertainties where not receiving the acceptance of others can affect more than it should.

"What's wrong with me? Why does not my partner want to go out with me? Will I do something that causes me to avoid?" It is inevitable that these questions go through the adolescent's head when he suffers. rejection. The mission of the parents is to help them to accept these situations and to avoid that this feeling overwhelms them and overwhelms them to the point of having an image of themselves.

Rejection hurts for small

There are times when the parents do not give importance to the feelings of the children because they consider that the rejection is not great and that there are important things. But not feeling accepted is something that affects adolescents, no matter how low the degree of occurrence, as explained from Kids Health.

There are many situations in which a teenager may feel rejected, since not passing the tests To enter a sports team, have a girl or boy say no to the offer of an appointment. But it is also that you experience this sensation in everyday situations, for example when telling a joke that has not been funny, or seeing that a meal has started without the young person.

The rejection hurts. But you do not have to work to avoid it in a future since this would suppose to avoid the full development of the adolescent's personality. This prevents the young person from enhancing his social skills in a group or even isolating himself from his group of friends for fear of something going wrong and being displaced.

Adolescents: facing rejection

Parents must teach their children to face the rejection. These are some techniques for teenagers not to be overcome by this feeling:

- Accept the feelings. Rejection hurts, but also other things. Like other negative feelings, parents should make their children accept this sadness as this is the first step to solving the situation.

- Give it the importance it deserves. You have to accept the feelings, but also give the importance that the situation deserves. If someone has rejected the company of the adolescent it is because they surely have very different values. Young people must be made to understand that there will be other people who will accept them as they are.

- Explain the situation. Parents should talk with their children about their feelings and what worries them. If the young people keep something inside, it is very possible that they end up affecting more than the account.

- Do not obsess. Parents should listen to their children, but not allow them to talk about it at all times. If this is the only topic of conversation, try to distract them with some activity or asking about something that makes them gain self-esteem such as good grades or some recent achievement they have achieved.

Damián Montero

Video: The surprising truth about rejection | Cam Adair | TEDxFargo

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