Conflicts of friendships in adolescents, how to teach them how to solve them

The human being is sociable by nature, needs to interact with similar ones to be fully realized. In this sense, the friends they play a very important role since this group helps people to promote certain necessary skills in their day to day life.

It is from adolescence that we begin to strengthen these circles of friendships, creating strong bonds with those individuals outside the family, but with whom they interact on a day-to-day basis.

However, adolescence is a hard stage. Many changes and many uncertainties can lead to conflicts between friends for those who do not have the necessary maturity to face them. In this sense, parents can advise their children not to lose these links and can continue to develop their social side along with this circle.

Help, not solve for them

The first thing that parents must understand is that this is a situation that their children must face and solve in order to learn a lesson. As in any exam, it is one thing to provide support, offer advice and a little guidance, but never fix it for it. Parents should avoid actions such as calling other parents to try to fix things.

What they can do is inculcate necessary values ​​for the coexistence in the circle of friendship, such as empathy. Adolescents must learn to put themselves in the place of the other person in order to get to the bottom of the matter and put a correct solution to it. Parents should make their children see that they may not be 100% right and encourage them to reconsider what they have been able to do to solve this situation.

At the same time, parents should make their children see that their friends do not accept a proposed plan It does not mean that this ends their friendship. Maybe a teenager had a strong desire to go to the movies one day and that his circle could not make plans that day. We must assimilate that other people also have their obligations and must be respected on a day-to-day basis.

Bad friendships

Sometimes, conflicts They can arise from bad friendships. Groups that do not really favor this social character of adolescents. Parents should teach their children from a young age to recognize the people with whom it is convenient to start these relationships. These are some points that young people should avoid in their friends:

- The person makes the adolescent feel uncomfortable and constantly remembers their defects, not for the purpose of improvement, but for the simple mockery.

- Does not offer the confidence to freely express opinions.

- Shows joy for failures and makes fun when they happen.

- He is not interested in how the adolescent's life is going, his relationship is related to the stays or to some material interest.

- Do not keep the secrets and even reveal them in order to be a little more popular.

- Make emotional blackmail in order to achieve your goals.

On the other hand, a good group of friends, is based on the following aspects:

- Always shows your support, both good and bad.

- They are always interested in the opinions and feelings of friends.

- He does not just talk about his problems. He also listens and asks about the situation of the other person.

Damián Montero


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