First aid kit, what you should not forget in this kit

Accidents are inevitable inside the home. The desire for adventures of the youngest ones provoke the odd mishap: a fall, a wound, a bump, etc. To apply the first aid On these occasions, each household must have prepared a first aid kit where basic elements are present to deal with these incidents and the child can return to his activities soon.

But what should a first aid kit? What should not be missing at home in order to apply these first aid immediately? From the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, AEP, a series of recommendations are given so that families have at hand the necessary instruments to assist the little ones at the moment they have some of these mishaps.

A basic and necessary kit

AEP defines the first-aid kit as "a set of medicines and other utensils that serve to treat common ailments or to practice first aid in case of injuries". This organism indicates that this kit of instruments must be simple and contain what is necessary to face situations such as injuries caused by falls or the appearance of fever by some condition.

Specifically, this is what should be included in the kit of each home:

- A thermometer.

- Antiseptic to heal wounds: povidone iodine, oxygenated water, chlorhexidine, etc.

- Band-aids to cover small wounds and avoid infections.

- Gauze and tape to cover larger wounds.

- Physiological serum, either in a bottle or individual ampoules, to cleanse the nose or eyes.

- Analgesic-antipyretic medication to treat fever and pain. The most common are ibuprofen and paracetamol.

The specialists also point out that the medicine that children with a chronic disease need may also be present in the kit. Some examples are bronchodilators to treat asthma, antihistamines for children who have allergies, corticosteroid creams for atopic dermatitis, etc.

In the case of medicines, temporary check-ups are necessary to check the expiration date of the medicines present in the kit. Those medicines that have not been used during the treatment of any infection, such as antibiotics, which should be discarded after this period its use.

It is also recommended to take into account some notions of security for, which must be inside a box that is easily transportable. You should always be in the same place, in order to easily remember the Location of it and out of the reach or sight of children. Another option is to place it in an independent closet, preferably closed with a key or at a height where small children do not arrive.

First aid kit for travel

It should be noted that now in summer, a time when many travels, it is necessary to carry a first aid kit to deal with possible problems that may occur during the trip. The AEP also recommends this kit to carry in the car:

- Sunscreen to prevent Burns.

- Repellent of insects and some product to alleviate their bites in case they occur.

- Oral rehydration solution.

- Emergency medication for special cases such as adrenaline autoinjectors for risk allergies, anticonvulsants in epileptic children, etc.

Damián Montero

Video: What To Carry In A MTB First Aid Kit

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