Myths of adolescence without scientific evidence

The adolescence It is a time of life that is approximately in the second decade of the human being. It is the stage that passes between childhood and adulthood and has the same importance as them, presenting their own characteristics and needs.

It is the healthiest time of life from the physical point of view, but the adolescent is exposed to many risks and different health problems. The physical changes in puberty are: acceleration and deceleration of growth, changes in body composition with the development of organs and systems, acquisition of bone mass, as well as sexual maturation.

"In Spain, the adolescent population between 10 and 21 years old, according to the National Institute of Statistics, as of January 2016, is 5,400,408 (11.6% of the total population). It is a population segment with a low mortality rate, 0.3%. The most common causes are accidents and violent acts and to a lesser extent other diseases "says Inés Hidalgo, director of the magazine Pediatría Integral, of the Spanish Society of Outpatient Primary Care Paediatrics (SEPEAP).

"There are many Myths about adolescence, it is said that it is a period of extreme instability and emotional turbulence, of total rupture with the previous thing, of irrational thinking, and even a stage of "normal psychosis" and generational disharmony. Keep in mind that most adolescents overcome this phase without problems, "says Dr. Hidalgo.

Myths of adolescence that do not survive scientific evidence

1. "The development of the normal adolescent is turbulent". There is no study that confirms this belief. It is clearly demonstrated that 80% of adolescents do not go through a tumultuous period, get along well with their parents and family, like to study and work, and are interested in the social and cultural values ​​of their environment.

2. "Adolescence is a period of great uncontrolled emotion". The studies have not shown any difference with the emotionality of the children. If it is detected that, the older the adolescent the more negative his / her state of mind is, which may be due to the growing school and work obligations and responsibilities.

3. "The thinking of adolescents is irrational and childish". From the works of Piaget, we know that in adolescence one passes from concrete thought to abstract thought with a future projection, characteristic of maturity. Over 12 years, cognitive development with ability to think in the abstract is reached, and at 15-16 the moral development, knowing what is right and wrong.

The onset of puberty in adolescents

The beginning of adolescence is also a moment that varies according to the individual's own development. In girls puberty is determined by the appearance of the breast button, which can start between 8-13 years, together with increased growth rate and occurs at a bone age of 11 years. Before the age of 8, we speak of precocious puberty and after 13 of delayed puberty.

In boys, puberty can happen two years later than in girls, and therefore, girls may appear more mature physically than their peers. The first sign of pubertal development in them is the increase in testicular volume, as well as the redness and roughness of the scrotal sac that can start between 9-14 years and occurs at a bone age of 13 years. Before 9 years of age, we speak of precocious puberty and after 14 of late puberty.

The growth that takes place in this time supposes of 20 to 25% of the definitive adult size. In both sexes, during the second year of the stretch is when the increase is greater, from 5.8 to 13.1 cm in boys and from 5.4 to 11.2 cm in girls.

The three stages of adolescence

In adolescence we can distinguish three stages that overlap each other:

1. Initial adolescence. It covers approximately from 10 to 13 years, and is mainly characterized by pubertal changes.

2. Average adolescence. It comprises 14 to 17 years old and is characterized, above all, by family conflicts, due to the relevance acquired by the group; it is at this time, when risk behaviors can most likely begin.

3. Late adolescence. Covers from 18 to 21 years and is characterized by the reaceptación of parental values ​​and by the assumption of tasks and responsibilities of maturity.

César Jiménez Callaba
Advice: Inés Hidalgo, director of the magazine Pediatría Integral, of the Spanish Society of Extraholt of Primary Care Pediatrics (SEPEAP)

Video: Myths of the Adolescent Brain - Dan Siegel

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