How to return the protagonism to families

The family is the place where the accompaniment occurs first of all human beings. Understanding what this reality means is key in the development of a full personality, able to relate adequately in all stages of his life.

Although training in the accompaniment of families is not something new, today it acquires a special relevance due to the changes that occur in the daily life of many families.

The challenge of harmonizing life and work, as well as the needs of growing care in children and the elderly, are realities that invite us to turn our gaze to the origin and ask: family, who are you?

Keys to return the protagonism to the families

Gratuity, realism and relationality. Three essential keys, sometimes forgotten, that help us understand this specific way of life and love:


Without time and without programming. The family is born in a different way to other realities of our life. Perhaps for this reason, family relationships learn all the others. Its foundation is love and, therefore, it is not external results that measure the success of a family.


There are some ideas mothers that we usually forget, such as for example that difficulties enter the field of normality, that the important thing is to know how to face them and that real realism is the one that knows how to dedicate time to people, develop delivery habits to the others and know how to forgive. In short, love is a temporary process in which there are crises that follow an evolution and that require our generous response, being possible that we always learn.


Faced with the growing individualism of our contemporary society, the great task is to rediscover the richness of the human being's relationality. But to be social, we first need to be relational in our family, the first relationship where we learn the meaning of the gift and the gratuity at all levels, until we can deploy other "macrorelations" that constitute the whole social fabric.

In this context, and starting from these premises, it is logical to think that families today need to be more and better accompanied. For this, we need a large dose of creativity, immersion in the new languages ​​and digital technologies and, above all, a specific and adequate training capable of developing certain skills:

Family accompaniment

Each family has a project. Accompaniment is not a "directive assistance relationship" in which technical solutions are given, nor a punctual action. Nor in "teaching" to "program activities."

Accompaniment is a relationship between people, which implies a process to enter the heart of each one and awaken a desire that surpasses the merely human. So in the accompaniment is not to impose processes, but to seek the maturation of the person.

The family is the common, though particular, path of each person, in which the coordinates and direction of this action are learned.

Unconditional attitude

Accompanying is an attitude. Essentially involves being. It is an unconditional way of dealing. The look, the proximity that we show, can be an effective accompaniment.

When we accompany it, it is about helping to know the reality, whatever it is, to assume it and even to love it: it is our reality. This personal process requires a trained accompaniment in a specific and careful training capable of rediscovering the original reality of marriage and the family as a unique project in each person.

Creative communication

Preparation for marriage is the first and most important way to accompany, but it is not enough. The first years, the stages in which special difficulties are presented and also the ordinary life, require a committed way of accompanying. For this reason, we can not forget the new languages ​​and the specific areas, each time richer and more varied.

Online training of the Institute of Superior Studies of the Family

The Postgraduate in Marriage and Family Education they aim to offer a solid anthropological base on which it is possible to build a culture of life in politics, education and the family through the development of virtues in the family. This training can be completed by taking the Postgraduate course in

Consulting and Family Counseling

Online Postgraduate Degree in Marriage and Family Education offers a comprehensive study of family life, via a methodology which is suitable for parents and professionals who work in the area of ​​education or family enrichment. At the end of the course students will have acquired theoretical and practical knowledge about the family dimension of the individual, as well as some knowledge on pedagogy and family education.

The Postgraduate in Family Counseling and Counseling (blended learning) aims to train specific attitudes and methodologies to activate the internal and external resources of the relational dynamic in the person, in the couple and in the family, through a non-directive intervention based on the accompaniment.

The Postgraduate in Family Policies responds to the requirement of having professionals prepared in the analysis, design and evaluation of family policies in the public, educational, business and social action entities.

The teaching activities, as well as the tutorial system of the program, guarantee that the participant is capable of designing and implementing family policies in the environment in which he or she develops professionally.

Pilar Lacorte. Deputy Director of Educational Programs IESF

Video: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - All Endings (Family, Cult, Atlantis & Modern Day Ending) PS4 Pro

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