Ideas to train active citizens

It is often heard that young people today only think about having a good time, living comfortably and being immature and irresponsible. There is no denying that there are many such, but it is also true that many others are involved in social life and try to provide solutions. How can one be an active citizen?

What moves the young person to active participation in society is a set of qualities: idealism, initiative, will, disposition *
The active citizen is idealistic, but he has a practical idealism, that is, he knows that the things he wants to achieve can be difficult to achieve, but he moves to achieve them. He knows that sitting and complaining about how bad everything is is not going to change anything, but that he seeks and offers solutions. It shows its worth by striving to make the world a little better. This idealism encourages pursuit of concrete goals, active young people know what their bets are for the future and fight for them, to obtain them.
You have to be convinced that the objectives set are worthwhile and can be achieved, this is useful for any project or activity both on a personal level and of public relevance.
We can not forget to emphasize that sometimes, being an active citizen is not pleasant because of the multiple responsibilities that fall on us, derived from our commitment. We are there to serve others, not to take advantage of our own advantage. Perhaps, some people think that they do not have the capacity for leadership or charisma to dedicate themselves to activism, in these cases there is no need to back down due to a lack of qualities, since it is not always necessary to face the public or in an association; With a more individual and collected work you can do a lot of good. Being an active citizen does not mean having a leader's wood, you can perform social tasks that will be equally valid: there are many people who make great assets to society and are not leaders. In any case, we must bear in mind that we can all be active citizens because we all have something good to contribute.

How is an active citizen?

-An active citizen is not limited to complaining about the society that he has had to live, but acts to change it with the means at his disposal (associations, media, etc.).
- He is not afraid to express his way of thinking, even if there are people who do not share it.
- He knows how to listen and does not show arrogance or arrogance when he has to debate with people of opposite ideas.
- He has a vocation for service to others, does not seek to position himself in the face of society to benefit himself and climb where he wants.
- He has a vision of the future and knows what he wants to achieve and with what means.
- Knows how to transmit his vision to others and motivate people to achieve those goals seen as good for everyone.
- He is aware of his responsibilities and assumes the consequences of the decisions he makes.

Ideas to act

- If you like politics, you can join the youth section of the party with which you have more affinity. If you do not feel represented by the acronyms of any party, you have the option to collaborate with the Association of Youth of your locality, inform yourself called to the city council.
- In case you like ecology and nature, there are many groups that carry out activities that promote the care of the environment and need collaborators.
- Do not hesitate to write to the media to express your ideas about certain topics or to denounce a situation that needs the action of the competent authorities.
- Some people need solidarity and affection, you can work with NGOs that deal with the most disadvantaged of society.
- You can also carry out activities of awareness and social help through the parish or the hospital that you have closer to home.

To think*

- Learn about the issues that affect you and about which you can act. If you are well informed, you will be better able than other people to defend your interests and your ideals.

- Through these activities you have the opportunity to meet many people with the same interests as you, do not miss this opportunity, as you will learn to work in a team and know how to look for the good of others.

- As an active citizen, you have to know how to listen and attend to needs different from yours, and this is not easy, since you will also have to understand those who oppose you and why.

- Social activism has its advantages: personal satisfaction, training, job prospects, being able to influence changes in laws or other social benefits, etc. It helps us above all to know the needs of people and that we want to provide solutions that we believe are convenient.

*And act

- "Train yourself" in the University or in some association for young people of your locality, there you can participate in different activities of social character or in debates that will help you to know how to handle your

Video: Community idea sharing Presentation ( Active Citizen 'Team Greenion')

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