Defiant Oppositional Disorder, when adolescent rebellion becomes a problem

It could be thought that once the children reach more mature ages, the aging process is over. But the work of father little rest and even when the child grows and becomes a teenager, more duties must assume the parents. In this stage, young people go through a stage of changes they do not understand and worst of all, they do not want to admit help of the elderly.

The feeling of rebellion It is very common among teenagers and it is a stage that every child must go through. However, sometimes this situation can become a serious psychological problem. The Oppositionist Disorder Defiant is one of the situations in which you can trigger this behavior in young children.

What is Defiant Oppositional Disorder?

From the Fundación Cantabria Ayuda al Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity or Foundation, CADAHDefiant Oppositional Disorder is defined as an inappropriate pattern in the development of children. This psychological problem usually manifests itself through negativist, defiant, disobedient behaviors and hostile attitudes toward authority figures. These are some of the most common behaviors in young people with this problem:

- He gets angry and interrupts in tantrums.

- Discuss with adults.

- actively defies adults or refuses to comply with their orders or demands.

- Deliberately disturb other people.

- Accuses others of their mistakes or misbehavior.

- It is susceptible or easily bothered by others.

- Resentful or vengeful.

From CADAH it is noticed that these symptoms can be appreciated from an early age and that usually accentuate during adolescence, stage where the character rebel of age makes these behaviors worse. Among young people it is also common to find other symptoms such as clinically significant impairment in social and academic activity.

Causes and diagnosis

The psychologists of the CADAH team explain that there is no explanation clear for the origin of Oppositional Defiant Disorder, but it is believed that in these cases patients may not lack sufficiently developed cognitive and emotional skills. These young people are unable to comply with the rules of coexistence in their environment and the requirements of authority figures like their parents.

For its diagnosis, first place must be established by the presence of the behavioral pattern of rebellion and lack of adaptation to the norms of coexistence at home. If this has been appreciated, it is necessary to arrange an interview with a psychologist to deal with the child to see if what is happening to the adolescent is a Defiant Oppositional Disorder.

Between your treatmentOn the one hand there is therapy with medications such as psychostimulants. But the specialists focus more on those who focus more on changing the adolescent's behavior:

- Parental training to help them become more positive, acquire appropriate discipline style and avoid punitive correction patterns (which can reinforce negative behaviors, especially aggressive responses), help establish norms and limits that are logical and consistent, solving problems or conflict situations, managing anger to avoid aggression or hostile behavior, learning to reward and punish, etc.

- Agreement on the management of behavior among adults, especially between the father and the mother.

- Multiple interventions in situations of daily life.

- Training for the appropriate expression of anger and frustration.

- Training to teachers for classroom management and behavioral control.

Damián Montero

Video: Behavior Management Strategies for Oppositional Defiant Disorder

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