American or British English, which is more advisable to learn?

Learning languages ​​has become an essential requirement for all curriculums. Among all the languages ​​that exist, dominate the English It is essential. At this point there are two versions of this language, American and British, each with its own characteristics.

Which option is best for children? Which will help you most in the future? A lot of myth surrounds both the English British as the American. But you have to be careful when dealing with these generalizations and know very well what is intended to teach the little ones before opting for one of these options.

Varieties of the English language

Between both versions of this language there are fundamentally differences in lexicon and pronunciation, although the base of the language is the same. It is usually thought that British English is more formal than American English and therefore is the best option that can be learned.

As experts from the Vaughan Group say, depending on the place in the Atlantic where this language is spoken, some words can change a lot. But nevertheless, English is a language that presents many more varieties which can be thought of as it is present in more areas than the United Kingdom and the United States. Australia, South Africa or Canada are just some examples.


Practical learning of English

From Grupo Vaughan it is explained that before all the varieties that can exist of this language, it is not necessary to be as much in the lexicon as in the use that is wanted to give to this learning. For example, those who want travel or work in the United States they should learn the American version of English.

On the contrary, as explained by Duolinguo, if the intention is to remain in the European Union, the best option is British English. This version of the language is the most used in the old continent and therefore the one that will most benefit the students. However, we must not forget that the American version also has great influence in the business world.

At the same time, English academy teachers recommend not worry too much for this matter. Mastering any of the language versions ensures that the child can unfold with ease speaking this language in any of the contexts since much of the lexicon is shared on both sides of the Atlantic.

Keys to learning a language

Whether you choose American English or British, there are a number of guidelines that will help the child learn it better. These are some tips:

- Practice it as much as possible. Learning a language is not the same as studying for an exam, not practicing it means forgetting a large part of it. Sitting next to the children and talking a few hours in this language helps maintain the level.

- Immerse in the language. Is your son following a series? Do you like reading? Both hobbies can help improve the level of English: watching a movie in its original version or reading a novel in this language will help the child a lot.

- Take advantage of the summers. Is summer too long for your son? These vacation months can be used to travel abroad and immerse yourself in another language and culture.

Damián Montero

Video: Tips to Make a Good New Year's Resolution | Learn English

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