Time with children favors their personal development

Being a father is one of the most beautiful stages that a person can go through. Bring a life to the world and accompany her by the hand to turn it into something of profit is an experience that marks. In fact, pass weather together with the children is one of the activities that fill the soul of each individual, to strengthen the filial parental bond is something simply wonderful.

But this link does not only suppose a weather fun between parents and children. These hours spent together with the smallest of the house are also very beneficial for them since it favors their personal development as highlighted in the conference "Why children do not come with instruction manual" held at the San Juan de Dios of Barakaldo.

Transmission of values: spending time with children

During this conference, the psychologist Marta G. Lacabex He explained that the life of a child is a path that is not defined. A process that has to take shape and this is where parents come into action, who have the task of spending as much time as possible to help the little ones have a light to find how to follow this path.

The transmission of good values ​​and knowing what their specific needs It's very important. Each child is different, as pediatrician Isaac Contreras pointed out during this conference. This specialist indicated that depending on the characteristics of the child, some factors will help and others will not. Knowing how to detect minor characteristics, helps parents have easier to guide their children down this path.

In this sense, Lacabex pointed out that "each child, as a person, is unique and unrepeatable.The factors that influence their lives are multiple: personality, family, social environment.Although it is difficult for us to accept it, not all of these factors are under our control. control". The psychologist pointed out that although the parents help, they also have to know that they can not secure a path without difficulties for their children.

Teach them to do it, do not do it for them

At this point, Lacabez distinguished between helping a child, and supplanting him in your tasks. Parents should accompany their children in all those activities they have to do alone, but never solve them. "It is better to give them a rod so that they learn to fish throughout their lives than some fish to eat a single day," said the psychologist.

Lacabez points out that giving them the rod to fish also means working because they tolerate failures. Teach them that you can not always win and that there will be times when you do not get their results. This does not mean that parents teach their children to resign themselves to the setbacks of life, but on the contrary, it is instruct them in the art of persistence and constant work, in the solution of failures.

Damián Montero


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