Detection and early treatment of anorexia

The anorexy It is a very serious situation and difficult to overcome. Not detecting it in time, means that the problem will get worse. However, if it is noticed in time that a person is initiating this disease, it will be possible to initiate a correct treatment with which to put an end to this context and to prevent it from reproducing in the future.

To detect early anorexy It is very important that all the people related to the adolescent's environment pay attention to their attitudes, share this information. Both schools and families should be alert to important changes in the attitude of young people.

Gather information

As has been said, both colleges and institutes and families must be attentive to the attitude of young people and appreciate changes that can make us suspect that we are dealing with a case of anorexia:

- Schools. Colleges and institutes can be a very valid source of information for both parents and students. Not only can they appreciate strange behaviors, they can also prevent anorexia through conferences given by professionals.

- At home. Prevention in the home should start by fostering a proper family relationship, favoring dialogue. Caring for some activities such as eating with the family is one of the main preventive measures.

As for the symptom that should put us on alert, these are some of them:

- The young man begins to eat alone, away from home and tends to avoid sitting at the table with his family.

- Rejects hypercaloric foods or fat preparation forms, such as fried or sauces.

- Discuss the amount of food that is put on the table. Cut the rations a lot.

- Drink water in large quantity, before or during meals.

- Visit the bathroom frequently and always after meals.

- It opts for light foods.

- He has a special interest in the content of the food and the way in which it has been prepared.

- They perform more physical exercise than usual and try to hide it when their families see them.

Treatment of anorexia

The early treatment of anorexia is very important. Eating disorders are very detrimental to the integrity of the youngest. These therapies They can be very long in time, but they have to be applied to overcome this problem:

Once these symptoms are detected, you will have to go to a psychologist to start the treatment of the young man. This will determine the best treatment and start therapy. It is very important that the family be directly involved in this process and offer all possible support. It is always recommended that parents speak with the professional alone to learn guidelines to act at home.

The main treatment focuses on the modification of the eating behavior altered in the young and in the restructuring of misconceptions. It is necessary to let the patient know that he has a disease that must be treated and that he has to do his part to find the cure.

In bulimia nervosa, some drugs called SSRIs, selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake, may be prescribed. The most common is fluoxetine, since they are effective in reducing binge eating and vomiting. In anorexia nervosa should only be used when there are symptoms anxious or depressive.

Damián Montero

Video: It's Time to Talk About It: The Brain and Eating Disorders

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