How to explain a work stoppage situation to children

The children are very sensitive and immediately perceive the changes in the family environment. When the unemployment or unemployment affects the family, it is natural to want to protect children and with this intention, we can think that it is better not to tell them anything, but most likely they realize that something is happening.

If they do not have an explanation for the changes, they will cause greater uncertainty and they may come to find faulty explanations, such as that they are to blame for what is happening.

How to explain to children a situation of unemployment or unemployment

By adapting the language to your age, we can approximate the normality of this unemployment or unemployment situation today and explain the repercussions that can have on the new lifestyle of the family, without dramatizing.

1. Avoid fear of the unknown. Children tend to be afraid of the unknown, but they will be calmer if we explain what has happened, what will happen in this time and an adequate reason. For example, explain that cyclically in society there is a crisis that leads to companies having less money and can hire fewer people and therefore some parents have to temporarily lose their jobs; in some people that time is shorter and in others longer.

2. Explain the concrete changes. Tell them that this fact means they can buy less things and explain the changes that are going to be made at home. And also to convey that, although there is less money at home, they will not be lacking in affection. Children need security, so they should avoid discussing economic issues in front of them, if they can be involved - depending on the ages - in the family economy so that they themselves can contribute ideas on how to save, showing themselves to be participatory in the house and making them feel useful.

3. Tell them the positive part. Let them see also the positive part of this new circumstance, for example now they will be able to spend more time with the father or the mother they did not have before and who can now go to look for them at school, eat with them, help them with their homework. ..

4. Let them ask questions. It is important that, in addition to explaining it, we also let them talk to them, ask questions about their doubts and concerns. All this so that they understand what is happening and have the assurance that their parents control the situation.

5. Make sure they understand what happened. It is also important that they understand what is happening because their classmates may ask them questions at school and they will be able to explain to them what is happening at home.

6. Tales of help. Today there are stories on this subject that can help explain this reality to our children, for example a comic entitled And your father does not work?, by Josep Ignasi Gras and Yolanda Portolés.

Recommendations to explain a work stoppage situation to children

- Do not lose sight of the fact that the family is a team and the members have to support each other, not compete or recriminate, but collaborate and support.

- Prioritize short and medium term objectives and look for strategies to move forward in them.

- Plan expenses well, negotiate the cuts and learn to be creative in how to cover basic and social needs with less money.

- Schedule a daily agenda with activities in the form of obligations that substitute a working day. It is about breaking the inactivity and isolation.

- Pamper your self-esteem Being realistic in seeing what factors in the job search depend on oneself and knowing that there are others that escape us, and do not question the personal worth.

- It may be a good time to reinvent yourself. The job role gave identity to the person and now it is about looking for new roles that help the person to develop, look for new occupations that lead the person to feel competent.

- Do not lose your connection with a social support network: family, friends, meet new people ...

- The loss of the material can open the door to the human. And they may come to feel that, during a difficult situation, they are close to others and have their support.

- Take advantage of this moment to free yourself and feel freer in the face of the bombardment of unreal needs that this consumer society imposes on us, and start to value more what really matters, as a family is also united in the difficulties.

- It can also be an opportunity for growth in family communication. Talk and share time with our children and give them the feeling of family unity and affection also in the difficulties. That gives them a very valuable teaching.

- Take care that impotence, frustration and unpleasant feelings do not lead to the chain of reproaches within the family, but encourage the expression of affectivity with the family.

- Try to maintain a positive attitude, giving more weight to the advantages of the situation, even if it is realistic. Strive to see the positive and convince yourself that this circumstance is temporary and temporary; although we do not know how long it will last, it will end.

Esther Arnáiz Beltrán. Psychologist of the Institute Match

Video: No school for Puyallup Wednesday amid work stoppage

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