Between 400 and 700 hours, the sacrifice of sleep made by parents

Bringing a child is a whole joy Look where you look. However, despite all this happiness, a new life at home can not ignore the responsibilities assumed by both parents and mothers. From now on, the role of caring for the child and achieving their well-being on a day-to-day basis is assumed.

In fact, there are those who have translated into hours of sleep the sacrifice made by parents to ensure the care of their children. It is the case of Eduard Estivil, sleep specialist, Gonzalo Pin, pediatrician and Carlos Salvador, gynecologist. All of them have raised a question: how much time do adults invest when they have a baby and how much does it get out of the night?

Investment that is worth it

According to these three specialists in "Being Moms, the before and the after", between 400 and 700 hours of sleep are spent on caring for a baby, a sacrifice that according to these authors is worthwhile because, although at first it may surprise future mothers and fathers, this experience is equally beautiful Overall, raising a child is very positive.

However, these specialists do not forget the problem what this means for adults. Since according to these specialists the hours of sleep that are lost ends up affecting the health of the parents and the rhythm of life. According to these authors, the best thing in these cases is to try to ask for help from a relative when this little rest affects the day to day. In this way the child will continue to be raised in a close environment.

Mothers are the most deprived

Between the father and the mother, it is usually the woman who most deprives herself of sleep. This is indicated by a study of American Academy of Neurology, who after investigating how the daily routine of a home affects the arrival of a baby. According to these experts, it is the mother who spends the most time without sleep and ends up suffering from lack of rest.

Following a survey in which they participated 5,805 people It was found that the main cause of the lack of sleep of women under 45 is the arrival of a baby at home. The greater the number of children, the greater the probability that the deprivation of rest in women will increase. The main consequence of this situation is that mothers drag all this fatigue during the day.

Results that indicated that the father must still apply even more to the tasks of raising the smallest. In fact, the authors of the book mentioned in the first paragraphs indicate that one of the greatest fears of women when facing motherhood alone and without help from the father. However, in recent times this has changed and the figure of man has come much closer to the upbringing of their children.

Damián Montero

Video: The 700 Club - September 12, 2018

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