Pain in children, how to avoid it

No father wants to see his son wrong, but life is not fair in this regard. There will be times when the little ones have a hard time: a fall, a blow against a piece of furniture, an illness. There are many moments painful for minors and although these can not be avoided, it can be done to improve the quality of life that children have at this time.

The most important thing for these cases is to recognize the type of pain that is occurring in the body of the child to know what is the best method to remedy it. Analgesics and other care will be necessary for these occasions in which the little ones have a hard time.

The types of pain

Not all the pain that occurs in the body is the same, you have to know distinguish among the most basic:

- Nociceptive pain. It is the one that is produced by the stimulation of pain receptors in different parts of the body.

- Neuropathic pain. A is the one that originates after a nerve is compressed or inflamed.

That a child has a type of pain does not mean that he can not have the other. For example, a column deviation it can cause the compression of a nerve and there is a rupture that activates the receptors of this sensation in the back. This in turn causes an even greater discomfort in children that you have to know how to remedy by applying the correct method in these cases.

How to identify the type of pain

Knowing what type of pain afflicts the child will depend to a large extent on the child's ability to communicate. If he masters the use of the word more or less, he can be asked to express in what area he has the discomfort and what exactly he feels. In the event that you are not able to talk about everything well, you may be instructed to indicate where you have this feeling.

If this is not the case of the child, symptoms such as the appearance of crying in the baby, inability to sleep, constant restlessness, strange postures in some part of the body, refusal to touch them, immobility or Apparent sadness can be expressions of pain. In addition, you can check If the child improves by giving him an analgesic medication.

Pain treatment

The ideal treatment is to focus on the cause of the pain. Try to find the origin, if it is a simple passing sensation or something more serious like a disease. Secondly, to deal with the transmission mechanisms of this discomfort or the circumstances that accentuate it, such as a muscle contracture.

Third, pain treatment will be treated with analgesic medications. According to the amount of this sensation, the World Health Organization, WHO, proposes to establish a "analgesic staircase", using increasingly powerful products and starting with paracetamol, then ibuprofen ibuprofen and ending with codeine, tramadol or morphine.

In children with diseases in which large contractures of muscles, the use of muscle relaxants is essential so that pain medications can achieve the desired effect.

Damián Montero

Video: Reduce vaccination pain in children / Réduisez la douleur de la vaccination - Part 1: How and why?*

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