Cancer: possible signs that should alarm you

Two syllables, three letters and one tilde. It seems simple but it is not, theCancer It is one of the most terrible experiences a family can go through. Because not only affects who suffers, it also takes the moral of all members of a household. In the fight against this disease, prevention It plays a very important role, anticipate it to fight it before it appears or when it is still not so serious.

To achieve this, you have to be very helpful to the possible signs that deserve a visit to the doctor for an opinion. Warnings that you can stand before the doors of a tortuous road that can be fought when it is nothing more than a nuisance.

Lumps and pains

Two of the most commonly known signs among people is the presence of lumps and sharp pains in certain parts of the body. In the case of nodules, the Spanish Association Against Cancer, AECC, recommends not to worry because in most cases these are not serious because they are benign manifestations.

However, the doctor should be consulted after detecting the presence of a lump or nodule in any part of the body. In the same way it will also be necessary to go to the specialist if there is a sore on the mucosa of the mouth that does not heal or a wound that does not reach scar.

Regarding pain, AECC explains that these should not be taken as a synonym of Cancer. This symptom is usually a sign of numerous problems such as beatings, sleeping in bad postures, etc. It will only be necessary to consult if these persist in time and for no apparent reason, and you will have to go to a doctor especially when the usual analgesics do not calm these discomforts.

Stains and moles

The spots and moles on the skin are also related to the presence of cancer. You should go to the doctor when they start to grow irregularly, change color and cause an itch in people since this means they are becoming malignant, that is, they are becoming a melanoma. These are the characteristics of one of them: asymmetry, irregular edges, varied color, diameter greater than 6 mm, sudden changes in its appearance.


The presence of bleeding It can also warn us of the presence of a tumor. The presence of a hemorrhage should always be a reason to go to the doctor and know their opinion about it. These are the cases in which you can suspect a cancer in people:

- Vaginal bleeding (metrorrhagia) It is manifested by bleeding between rules or after sexual relations. In menopausal women, any hemorrhage of this kind should be evaluated by a gynecologist.

- Urinary bleeding. Appearance of blood in the urine. Most often, it is caused by a bladder infection. In these cases it will yield after the use of an antibiotic treatment, but if it persists, it is important to carry out studies to know the origin of the hemorrhage.

- Hemorrhage of the digestive tract (rectal bleeding) It can be seen as red blood when the bleeding is close to the anus, or mixed with the stool giving rise to black stools (manes) when it is in ascending or transverse colon.

Damián Montero

Video: Brain tumour facts: 10 things you should know about brain tumours

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