Eating during childbirth has benefits for the mother

There is no denying that the moment of Birth It is as beautiful as it is painful sometimes. For this reason we always look for ways to make this process easier for the mother, now a new study reveals that eating during this process makes the woman less likely to suffer in the delivery.

To this conclusion has come a team of researchers from the Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. These specialists have proven how to take more than pieces of ice before and during the Birth It helps the mother's work in this process to be shorter and less painful.

Reduction of general anesthesia

The prohibition of eating before and during labor was related to the use of general anesthetics decades ago. These methods they endangered to the woman since there was a risk that the expectant mother inhaled the stomach contents and suffered seizures. However, at present, the use of these practices has been greatly reduced to prevent pain in the delivery.

In this situation where this risk has largely disappeared for the mother, the researchers wanted to see if eating food during delivery could help the mother to suffer less pain. For this, they chose 10 studies in which the work of birth of a total of 3982 women, all of them expected only one child and had no risk of cesarean section.

Less restrictive diets

Data from all studies revealed that women who had been able to eat and drink during childbirth more than small pieces of ice, had a shorter delivery than the rest. "If the body is well hydrated and with the right levels of carbohydrates, the muscles work better, "explains Vincenzo Berghella, the lead author of this research, who adds that you have to keep an eye on what is ingested at this time since you do not know what are the recommended amounts for the woman.

Advice for a birth

Not only the results of this study contribute to having a childbirth in good condition. These are other tips with which the birth will be a happier time for women:

- Follow the advice of a midwife.

- Having hot water nearby is your best friend. Hot towels should be placed on the lumbar and abdomen of the woman who is giving birth.

- Breathe calmly and deeply after each contraction.

- If doctors allow it, a yoga mat or pillows on the floor help to lie down and rest between contractions.

- Between contractions the woman must squat down to open the pelvis and help lower the head of the child.

- Urinating when possible because a full bladder makes delivery difficult.

- Keep the mother very hydrated.

Damián Montero

Video: Normal Vaginal Childbirth

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