Paroxysmal vertigo, what is it, can it be treated?

Sometimes parents should be a whole encyclopedia about health. There are many problems that can affect to the kids and that sometimes they catch adults unaware. Because in addition to colds, colds and gastroenteritis, there is a broader catalog that includes other types of conditions such as paroxysmal vertigo.

These disorders of the Balance they have a different origin from the common ones. While vertigo is usually related to problems with endolymphatic fluid, in these cases they are due to failures in the electrical activity of the brain.

Very clear symptoms

In cases of paroxysmal vertigo his symptoms stand out especially for being so abrupt in the beginning as in the end. That is to say, it is not necessary to warn the child that he is going to suffer one of these episodes, nor that he is going to conclude. This disorder manifests as episodes of dizziness, situations in which the child feels that everything around him turns and remains unstable.

For this reason the child is afraid walk or get up from the place where he is sitting and his expression shows the anguish of this situation. The little ones also tend to look for something to hold during episodes of paroxysmal vertigo or directly fall to the ground.

It can also happen that the child suddenly becomes pale or vomit occurs, and even horizontal movements of his eyes. All these symptoms last a few minutes and the small one usually returns to normal with the same speed with which he began to feel them, although it is likely that in a short time they will occur again without warning.

In the case of systematic repetition without prior notice, parents can start to suspect that your child has paroxysmal vertigo since this is one of the most clear symptoms: the reiteration. It will be in these cases when you have to go to the pediatrician to evaluate the case and decide what is the best way to proceed.

Diagnosis and treatment

Paroxysmal vertigo is so common that often additional tests are not usually necessary for diagnosis, it is enough to describe them symptom. Although it is also advised that a neurologist or otolaryngologist evaluate the case in order to detect other possible problems that a pediatrician can not see.

Usually no treatment is required since the effects they tend to go by as fast as they appear. Although in those cases in which the symptoms are too sudden or violent may be assessed the possibility of administering some type of medication for the control of migraine, products that have been shown to be effective in these cases.

These episodes usually disappear 3-4 years after its start. Although a part of the children who have suffered it will develop migraine in adolescence or adulthood.

Damián Montero

Video: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo BPPV Treatment with Epley Chair

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