Love after Valentine, how to keep the flame alive?

Pass the February 14th and there are no ads on television or in the press that remind us of the importance of having a detail or spending time together with the person we love. But nothing farther from reality, although it never hurts to surprise our partner on Valentine's Day, always be vigilant because the flame does not go out in the couple.

To achieve this, you have to work on a day-to-day basis keep the relationship alive. Taking time as much as possible to do things with our partner. Here are some tips with which to work for the bond that unites two people through love.

Keep the flame

- Cooking together. Choose a dish that you both like, a dessert, something that can be done together. Buy the ingredients and take out one day a week to get into the kitchen together and prepare something delicious. No matter how the result is, the issue is to enjoy the preparation process together.

- A small excursion. Sometimes the routine ends up affecting. Spending too much time between the same four walls is tiresome. At the end of the week you can choose a destination to which you can go as a couple and enjoy a perfect day. You can also take advantage of doing some activity that both like for example hiking or skating.

- Do not let obligations weigh. It is difficult to abstract from the work and stress that these situations generate. But on the way home you have to get away from these concerns and focus on couples. After so many hours dedicated to labor obligations, the time for the other person must be total.

- Talk. Throughout the days people live many things. Situations that they need to share with their partners. Even if it's half an hour, you have to sit on the sofa and talk and know what is going through the other's head.

- Do not wait for Valentine's Day. As it was said at the beginning although it never hurts a detail on February 14th. Any day can be perfect for a nice detail: a bouquet of flowers, something you saw in a shop window or just an unexpected love letter. Trying to be spontaneous is very fun and always like a surprise.

Ingredients for the relationship

Life as a couple is very complicated, so you have to know how to make these things work. Here are some tips for cooking the perfect relationship day after day:

For a relationship to work it is necessary to have different ingredients, some of these are:

- Reciprocity. In all relationships, even those of a couple there must be an exchange in which the two parties come out winning, at the moment in which one of the parties feels that it gives more than receives the problems arise. Take care of the little details.

- Respect. It is the basis of a healthy relationship. The couple is like a team, where the two share the same objective and fight together to achieve it. Help, cooperation and understanding are signs of respect for our partner.

- Communication. Through this we transmit what we think, we negotiate, we show feelings, emotions ... for there to be good communication in the couple we must be able to express calmly and actively listen. Only through clear and precise communication can the couple effectively solve problems and provide mutual support and intimacy.

- Flexibility In the relationships of couple appear many situations in which we need to negotiate, a requirement to negotiate is to be flexible, to know how to give way, I will not always be right and I will not always leave with mine, if this happens the relationship will probably be go wearing.

- Trust. It is a basic pillar in any relationship, if I do not trust the other person I can not let it be free, that it be developed, because I will always be doubting its actions and questioning its words. In a relationship everyone must have their space and trust is the requirement that makes it possible.

Damián Montero

Video: XHow - Keep the flame alive (a special Valentine's message)

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