Folic acid to prevent malformations of the fetus

Every mother wants the best for her child, including before this is born. The care of a pregnant woman will mark the health of the child both inside your womb and once it reaches the world. Food plays a very important role in this process so you have to watch the most harmful dishes and take those made up of healthy ingredients.

One of these ingredients is the folic acid, which helps the mother and the child in many ways. In fact, this product present in many foods is a good way to prevent malformations in the fetus.

Importance of folic acid

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics, AEP, explains that the folic acid it is important in that it prevents possible malformations of the child. Taking products with this ingredient is a simple and effective measure to avoid these anomalies, such as spina bifida, which prevents the proper development of the spine.

Folic acid also decreases the risk of other problems such as cleft lip, cleft palate and some serious congenital heart diseases. The best thing in these cases is that it is the doctor who is carrying the pregnancy so that it is he who decides when and in what measures the folic acid should be taken.

Ideally, you should take folic acid before pregnancy (and always under medical supervision). Of course, not all women should take the same amount of this product. Those at higher risk of having a child with spina bifida should take larger doses.

Also, if the expectant mother has already had a previous son With this malformation and take medications such as carbamazepine or valproic acid for epilepsy or have any disease for which you need to take methotrexate, your doctor will recommend the exact dose.

Foods with folic acid

To control the amount of folic acid present in the diet, AEP offers a table showing the extent to which this is present ingredient in food:

Foods Figures in micrograms
180 g of boiled potatoes 50
180 g of spinach 160
180 g of green beans 60
180 g brussels sprouts 200
180 g of boiled cauliflower 100
100 g of boiled peas 90
1 tomato (85 g) 15
1 orange (160 g) 60
1 avocado (150 g) 100
1 banana (100 g) 20
1 grapefruit (160 g) 20
1 slice of melon (180 g) 50
1/2 liter of milk 35
90 g of white bread 30
200 g of pasta 10

Damián Montero

Video: Folic Acid Foods – Top 10 Foods Rich in Folic Acid Which Can Prevent Birth Defects

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