Sex after motherhood: resuming sexual life after childbirth

Resume sexual life after childbirth It may take a while. There are women who can feel prepared a few weeks later and others who can be months. Every woman and every family circumstance is different, so the most important thing is to respect the internal rhythm of each woman.

Motherhood changes women in many aspects

Suddenly, now there is a baby that monopolizes all our attention, and why not say it, it fills us with love and we feel full. If we add to that fascinating new love, the absolute dependence it has on us, the cocktail is served. Because while we learn to live taking care of the needs of the baby, our breasts hurt, we are tired of not sleeping, it is likely that we hurt the uterine stitches and contractions, while our vagina must recover from the effort. That is, that the sex after motherhoodIt's just not the priority on the agenda.

How different births affect sexuality

After childbirth, many women feel pressured to have sex soon after, at a time when for them there is only the baby. Others, however, have passed the quarantine, and even before, and have wanted to have them.

In general, we could say that the time needed to recover from childbirth and return to having sex depends on the type of delivery you had and the connection you have with your partner after the baby's arrival.

- After a natural birth without complications, nor interventions, it is possible that women feel ready for sex, before others.

- If there is an episiotomy, After quarantine, the painful area may still be present. Start to try little by little and gently.

- Women who have had a cesarean section they should wait until the stitches are well healed, otherwise the scar could be opened again. If you still feel pain or tenderness in the area, find positions that do not put the weight on the scar.

Fatigue, fear of pain or other fears in general, such as any vaginal tear or scar tissue, can play an important role in your preparation for resuming sex.

Talk to your partner as concerns about sex can delay excitement or desire. Spending more time with the preliminaries, using natural lubricants and not always proceed with penetration, are strategies that can help you.

Breastfeeding and sexuality

While we breastfeed our baby, our estrogen levels are kept low to prevent us from ovulating and becoming pregnant again. Also the levels of testosterone - the hormone that increases libido - also falls, and prolactin - the hormone that stimulates the secretion of milk - increases.

Oxytocin is the hormone that causes the breast tissue to contract - among other things - and thanks to it milk is released from the ducts. It is very likely that if you have sex while you continue to breastfeed your baby, milk will be released during sex and sprout. In this case, you can put a bra with cotton soaps, or feed the baby a little earlier, so that the chest is not so full.

Keep the dialogue open with your partner

To maintain a living loving relationship, communication and mutual understanding, about the needs of the other, are crucial. For many women, postpartum is very delicate, physically and emotionally. The woman must find her own rhythm again, her own image, reencounter with herself, after something as important as becoming a mother. It is completely understandable that sex is not among your priorities. What does not mean that you do not love your partners, simply that to connect with another you must first connect with yourself.

The lack of privacy is something that inhibits many couples, but it is usually solved by having relationships when babies sleep. If you do co-sleeping, you can put him in his crib a little while. You have to take everything with good humor and that will make things much easier.

Tips to facilitate sexual relations after childbirth

1. Accept all the necessary help to avoid exhaustion. Find someone to help with housework once a week, buy online, cook once a week and save Tupperwares for the rest of the days, sleep when the baby sleeps.

2. Reserve a time to take care of you. That will make you connect with yourself and will encourage you to feel powerful and sexy.

3. Make sure your pelvic floor and Your spine is recovering well.

4. If pain or any other symptom persists over time you have to consult with the gynecologist.

In general, your feelings should be your priority and communication with your partner, the key to success. Each family must re-balance its balance of time and obligations. The important thing is to live that moment with joy and tranquility. Motherhood awakens in women new emotions that we must explore and allow us to feel and enjoy.Remember that you should not compare yourself with anyone and that the beginning of intimacy is something that belongs to you and only you.

Store Roser. Master's Degree in Chiropractic and Life Coach. Specialized in family, health, natural birth, breastfeeding, and maternal coaching.

Video: When is it okay to have sex again after having a baby?

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