Educate in the future: prepare and teach with a different strategy

The influences external to the family are so strong that they demand from the responsible parents a greater preparation as educators. Educating in the future is preparing and teaching the children with a different strategy based on new pedagogies, who are adapting education to today's society.

It is possible to learn to educate so that the future of our children is the one for which we have fought and not a consequence of chance. We must arrive before, so that when outside influences pretend to settle in their personality, be able to, freely and responsibly, say NO.

Parents worry about the future of our children since they are born. But they live in a different society than we had to live and we must prepare them so that they know how to develop in their fullness as people in their society.

Educating today is different

The media has acquired an increasing influence and does not always transmit the values ​​that parents want our children to live. The environment, the friends or the street are not a point of reference that can be imitated. However, these outside influences on the family are so strong that they demand from the responsible parents a greater preparation as educators, and they have promoted the development of "New Pedagogies" that give us the science that education needs as a complement.

Educating today is necessary

We are living a crisis of values ​​that leads us to go little by little admitting as normal, and even lawful in some cases, actions that are not naturally good.

The education of the will, of being ethical and knowing how to behave as a free and responsible person, is masked in the current environment. We are the parents, and in the bosom of the family, we have an obligation to keep alive and transmit to our children the values on which we want you to build your personality.

Educating today is possible

Parents must overcome the temptation to pessimism and, with enthusiasm, strive to know all those advances in family guidance that will help us achieve better results. With effort, dedication and knowledge of the "New Pedagogies" we will be able to turn the difficult into possible, the desirable into achievable. Our children deserve it.

Educating today is science and art

Education is an art because each child is different and each circumstance is unique in his life. But in turn, education is a science and as such it is necessary to know it, study it and apply it.

Intelligence and will

Traditionally, the main objectives of parents concerned about the education of their children were that they get good grades or that they finish a well-considered career in the labor market. Knowledge was the objective and intelligence the medium.

The new pedagogies surpass these objectives and, without underestimating them, they are situated at a later level of education: to know you have to want to know.

The goal is now focused on wanting. We want our children to want to be students, want to be responsible, want to be constant ... If they want to study and have study habits, perseverance and responsibility, good grades will be a consequence, whether the parents have been or not the last week of exams in house on top of the child. The goal now focuses on the will and the person wants through the will.

Intelligence develops mainly in school, although with more intensity in the family during the first six years of life (early stimulation).

The will is educated basically in the bosom of the family. Values ​​are acquired in family coexistence. Parents are, then, the main protagonists in the education of our children.

Educate in the future

The CEO of a company takes three kinds of decisions in his work:
- To solve the problems that arise: PAST
- To meet the daily program: PRESENT
- To establish strategies and plans: FUTURE

All are equally necessary, but the first two can, and should, delegate. Preparing the future of the company is, instead, the main and non-delegable function of the vertex person.

In the family and with reference to the education of the children the same thing happens. Correcting children when they do something wrong is educate in the past. Educate with the daily example and based on established rules of coexistence is educate in the present. Both ways of educating, up to now, were sufficient. Today, external influence is stronger. Parents are more away from home and less in control of those influences.

The time they dedicate to their children must be better in quality, they must use it in trying to arrive before, anticipate, anticipate, that is, educate in the future. We parents have to reflect and ask ourselves what kind of person we want for our children, what values ​​we want to transmit to them.

With this image in mind, we must descend to the habits that, repeated over time, will conform the different virtues that will have to be enhanced. And we must arrive before, build little by little in our children the values ​​that only we can transmit, so that when outside influences pretend to settle in their personality, the door is already closed and they are able to, freely and responsibly, say NO. That is to educate in the future.

Advice to parents to educate in the future

What we should avoid to educate in the future
- Be parents who think more about what their children will do: (Careers-Titles-Languages), which in what will be: (Free and responsible moral persons).
- Indulgent parents with the whims of their children. You have to be trained to say no.
- Parents who trust in which good schools educate for them.
- Parents who underestimate the power of example.
- Parents that the most they do is give a long and boring sermon.

What can we do to educate in the future
- Be aware of the cultural environment where they live
- Think about how we want them to be our children of elders.
- Actively worry about their training.
- Give example of struggle to improve: every day a little better.
- Do not live as simple consumers.
- Trust our authority and exercise it.
- Make clear to our children that we trust in their integrity, but not always in his judgments.
- Trust them as people; but not always in what they do.
- Teach them to be grateful and to worry about helping others.
- Study, study, but do not forget to act.
- Catch up in the sciences and art of educating.
- Have confidence in success.

Fernando Corominas. President Emeritus of the European Institute of Education Studies IEEE

More information in the book Educate today. Author Fernando Corominas.

Video: Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future | Joe Ruhl | TEDxLafayette

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