Young people, cars and weekend: responsibility at the wheel

There are still young people who see the car as a toy and do not take the responsibility behind the wheel, that is, driving in a responsible manner. The ingestion of alcohol poses a serious risk when driving vehicles and the chances of accidents increase on weekends and holidays. Raise awareness among young people drive responsibly is to protect your life.

Practically every week we see news about traffic accidents in which young drivers are involved. Whether for lack of experience, for committing irresponsibilities such as drinking alcohol or making reckless acts at the wheel, young people are the ones who have least respect for the road, and the consequences become tragic in many occasions.

The keys to a decrease in traffic accidents

Fortunately, for some years, the dramatic figures of deaths on the road have been falling, and this decrease is due to a series of measures:

- Carnet by points. Since entering into force in 2006, drivers take driving more seriously and do not risk losing their driver's license by committing reckless driving.

- Reform of the Criminal Code. The hardening of the laws is another factor that has made us walk more carefully when taking the car. Driving with excessive alcohol and speed, as well as driving without permission, is penalized harshly.

- ESTRADA (state center for the treatment of automated complaints): It became operational in March 2008.

Responsible driving: a goal for young people

However, despite the good data, there is still a negative view of young people at the wheel, which together with the little experience they can have, is reflected in the fact that insurers have a perception of the group as a high risk group and many companies do not subscribe to policies or charge double.

Therefore, the responsibility behind the wheel starts with us and must be a subject to worry about and give it the importance it really has. A car, badly used, can be a deadly weapon, both for the driver and for others, and we can not afford mistakes in his driving.

The dangers of alcohol and drugs at the wheel

Another important piece of information provided by the General Directorate of Traffic is the increase in arrests for exceeding the limits of permitted drugs and alcohol. According to the DGT, the ingestion of alcohol and drugs produces numerous organic and psychological alterations that can pose a serious risk when driving vehicles.

The relationship between alcohol consumption, even at low ethylic concentrations, and the reduction of driving capacity that is reflected in the deterioration of attention, of visual and auditory functions, disturbances in the perceptual field, tiredness, drowsiness or muscle fatigue and traffic accidents.

Although drivers are increasingly aware of the incompatibility of the drug-alcohol binomial and driving, there is still a small redoubt of drivers who are not aware of the dangers they expose to others.

Cars and weekend: a cocktail of risk for young people

We need to set some rules when we plan to take the car and we will also go out with friends on weekends. Some points can be:

- It is not necessary to take the car to party. The chances of accidents increase considerably during weekends and holidays. It is better to use public transport, which also does not cause parking problems.

- You have to commit not to drink a drop of alcohol when we go to drive the car.

- It is proven that when you go in a group, you tend to brag, and when you drive, you can commit recklessness to impress or test your skill with friends.

- It is not wise to go out on the road until a certain time of driving experience is met.

- The car can not be used on days of bad weather conditions.

Tips before taking the car

- There are late night hours where the danger increases noticeably, although we are prudent, we have not drunk, we have experience, etc. The culprit can be another driver with a few extra glasses that makes us get involved in an accident.

- It may be a good idea to opt for a second-hand car of little power at the beginning, to gain experience. With one of that type it is more difficult to have serious accidents and they are more manageable to learn well to drive.

- When leaving on a Friday or Saturday, There are always other alternatives to the car: we can take public transport or share a taxi among several friends.

- When you take the car and have to take your friends, put some clear rules: Do not get distracted at the wheel wanting to participate in different conversations, no smoking and not being urged to go faster.

- Be aware that you are vulnerable in the car. Respect the Traffic regulations as much as possible and yield to other drivers who, although they can carry out irresponsible behavior, do not deserve to risk it because of them.

- There are several initiatives to avoid the binomial car-alcohol, like to designate one of the group as a driver each night and everyone is responsible for not drinking.

Teresa Pereda

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