Baby's bath: tips for bathing your baby

The baby bath, in addition to being necessary for hygiene, can be one of the funniest moments of the day and in which to improve communication with our baby. At the end of the day, can there be a better combination in the world than a little warm water and the pampering of dad and mom? If our baby had learned to speak, he would surely answer no.

Most parents, and even more if they are first-timers, usually scare the idea of ​​submerging their little one in the water. It is logical that this happens because the skin of the baby usually becomes elusive in contact with the soap. To avoid shocks with the baby bath We will try to organize ourselves before launching ourselves fully into this delicious task.

The best routine: the baby's bath

To make sure everything goes well, we will try, first of all, prepare the stay where we go to bathe the baby. Everything we need throughout the bathroom should be to reach when we are bathing him and later, when dressing him, we can not leave him alone for a moment.

Remember that a child so few months can drown in very few inches of water or turn around on the table to change in just a few seconds so it is best not to get lost. If the phone rings, for example, we'll let it ring: If it's important, they'll call again. And if we forgot something in another room of the house it would be better if we take the baby with us to stay alone in the bathtub.

Baby's bath: what do I need?

The elements that we will need for the bath of our baby will be fundamentally the following: jSoft liquid soap, a towel or a bathrobe, a mitten or sponge, diapers, a hairbrush, cotton underwear and clean clothing.

Once we have all the prepared material we will fill the water tub. Before introducing our little one into it, we will always check the temperature of the water (around 37 ° C with the back of the hand, the elbow or with a bath thermometer.) We will never carry out these checks with the palm of the hand because it is usually a little insensitive to temperature, the water will be perfect as long as we do not feel cold or hot.

How to bathe your baby, step by step

Then we will proceed to undress the child by first cleaning his little ass to avoid dirtying the water.

- With a sponge or soft wipe We will completely soap the baby from the face down, insisting especially on the folds of the body.

- Later, we will introduce the child to the water. To prevent the baby from slipping we will pass a hand under the armpit holding the head with the arm.

- At the end of the bath, we will try to clear our hands perfectly before taking the baby out of the water. Otherwise, it could run off as if it were a soap bar.

- When we have the child out, we will wrap him Quickly with a towel, beginning to dry your head with gentle strokes without rubbing the skin.

- After, we will continue with the back of the ears and the folds of the neck. Finally, we will perform the same process with the extremities, buttocks and armpits of our little one.

- And as a finishing touch, what better than a few caresses and massages. This kind of contact, offered with softness and a lot of tenderness is, with all certainty, the ideal end to a good bath ... especially if the one who offers the massages is father or mother.

Indispensable for baby bath

1. In addition to bathing the child every day we should try to change it four to six times throughout the day. On each occasion, we will clean the buttocks with a damp cloth or a cotton soaked with warm water and mild liquid soap.

2. Before undressing the child We will try to prepare the toilet room properly. If we do not heat it according to the needs of the child (between 22º and 25º C), it is most likely that it will end up being cured.

3. Instead of casting the children's colony on the skin of our baby let's do it on his clothes. This way we will avoid annoying irritations and rashes.

4. Once the child feels confident and at ease in the water we can put a little mouth to it under the mouth so that it splashes. In this way, you will not only have a little fun but you will also relax with this pleasant exercise.

5. Do not stop monitoring the child constantly during the bath. We must remember that children can drown in just a few centimeters of water so it is convenient to avoid risk situations.

6. It is advisable to wait for the navel to fall of the child before submerging it in the bath water. It will only be a few days (between six and ten days) and thus we will avoid complications.

7 When we go to clarify the child we will try to open the tap of cold water before that of hot water. In this way, we will prevent the child from being burned in the event that the water is not properly regulated.

Do we need a bathtub for our baby?

Obviously, acquiring a bathtub-changer can make things much easier when our little one's bath, but not everyone has large spaces at home. Precisely for this reason, in these cases you can always resort to the rigid plastic tub shaped bar that is much smaller and that can always be coupled to the family bathtub perfectly.

Another very useful option is to use the sink. Especially during the first months it is here where the child can be better bathed. Then, we can go to the family bathtub and even acquire the typical seat with sticky legs so that the child can splash without falling to one side or another of the bathtub.

Cristina Álvarez

Video: Bathing your Newborn

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