Ideas to overcome a life crisis

With the arrival of the new year, many people become aware of the need to implement a change. The vital crisis affect 3 out of 5 Spaniards and the most repeated phrase in the vital crisis it's "I can not anymore", "I need a change".

Those who suffer these crises of repressed emotions will suffer anger, resentment and helplessness, getting many do not get to sleep, suffer alterations in weight or smoke compulsively. A vital crisis is one that suffers due to changes in age, change of digit, to 40, to 50, divorces, separations or the departure of children.

Causes that predispose to a life crisis

People who suffer a life crisis go through various misfortunes of crisis and changes in life stage in adult life such as:

- the recent death of a couple after a painful illness,
- the economic vicissitudes of a single-parent family,
- old age and the progressive devitalization of a disease of the parents,
- a toxic couple,
- a divorce with small children in tow ...

Also comes into play the reissue of other old regrets that we thought had healed, wounds of childhood and youth reopen in front of the feeling of abandonment. Once again, loneliness and fear emerge to fall into the trap of helplessness. Verónica Rodríguez Orellana, Director and Therapist of Coaching Club explains that "those who suffer these crises that repressed emotions in the face of the injustices experienced regain their validity with an uncontrolled force: anger, resentment and impotence, getting many do not get to sleep, suffer alterations in weight or smoke compulsively. "

"To overcome vital crossroads like diseases, deaths, economic misfortunes, we must be aware of these emotions and how to face the difficulties predispose us to health and illness," explains Rodríguez Orellana.

"It's about aligning what I feel, what I think and what I say, that is, the contact with emotions, the production of the thought that motivates them and their transfer to oral communication," adds this psychologist.

How to overcome life crises

Ideas to achieve the objectives pursued with a dual purpose: the projection and entrepreneurship.

1. Projecting consists of stimulating and promote our creativity to transform reality and make it more attractive and fascinating, since everything is susceptible to be modified, "explains the Director of Coaching Club.

2. Undertaking a change is to open a range of possibilities, put them into play and connect with emotions without fear of traveling the road or getting lost. "It's about aligning what I feel, what I think and what I say, that is, the contact with emotions, the production of the thought that motivates them and their transfer to oral communication," concludes Verónica Rodríguez Orellana.

The game as overcoming the vital crisis

Within our evolutionary development, the game has a fundamental role. Playing with reality we develop the imagination, we open our mind to fantasy, we incorporate learning and contact our emotions.

However, as we grow up, conventionalisms establish that the condition of adult is at odds with the game: it is not well seen that a mature and serious mature to play. In this way, creativity is dwindling and our ability and our boldness to transform reality are being relegated.

That is why making a change in our life is similar to starting a new game, to disarm the armed.

"This innovative therapy facilitates that we can revert situations of great emotional conflicts, for example, in cases of low self-esteem in which well-structured creative processes are used that stimulate confidence and that make the problems emerge through verbal and non-verbal languages" , explains Verónica Rodríguez Orellana.

In the group coaching sessions, the participants interact with plastic materials (paintings, collages, etc.), literature, music; even with the body, carrying out a process of self-knowledge, acceptance and progress on its most entrenched problems. They are tools that operate as escape valves that, in addition, offer models of strength and great autonomy.

Art and creativity are inherent aspects of the human being; we can all develop them and incorporate them as tools that enable expression and that give us the possibility of achieving a good management of emotional balance.

Marina Berrio
Advice:Verónica Rodríguez Orellana, Coaching Club Director and Therapist

It may interest you:

- Death of a loved one, how to overcome grief

- How to make negative thoughts disappear

- How to eliminate anxiety

- Mindfulness, the benefits of mindfulness

Video: Six Ways To Overcome Your Mid Life Crisis

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